Agenda item


Members to receive a verbal update in relation to Domestic Abuse/Violence linked to Alcohol Abuse.


Lizzie Starr, Interim Chief Executive provided a verbal update on domestic abuse / violence linked to alcohol abuse.


Members were reminded of a presentation given in December 2021 when an analyst provided a presentation on domestic violence and alcohol use, and the links between the two. A full report would be provided to the Panel at the September meeting when more detail analysis would be provided, and detail on repeat offenders where incidents were occurring.


A summary of key points that had been raised at the Corporate Governance Board meeting were provided, including analysis from the force showed that 22% of offenders were under the influence of alcohol, which was considered to be relatively low level when considered against a study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism which had estimated figures of 27%-40%. The pre-pandemic baseline from July 2018 to July 2019 was 30% as a comparator. It was noted there were limitations to data and accuracy around the recording of alcohol incidents due to way that the markers were on the police system which did not determine whether it was the offender or the victim under the influence of alcohol.


A query was raised at the meeting in December 2021 if offenders were being directed to a perpetrator programme. A summary of what the force was doing would be included in the report. It was noted that officers on the force received training on identifying the trilogy of risk; substance misuse, mental health and domestic abuse to help identify the combination of factors that significantly increased risk. Where officers identified that alcohol was a key factor then referrals would be made through the Adult at Risk Public Protection Notices.


The Panel was informed that substance misuse service providers were represented at daily management meetings for high risk domestic abuse, could also receive referrals for people brought into custody.


The Panel was invited to request anything additional that they would like to see in the report, when it was brought back to the meeting in September, along with the Commissioning Services report.


The Chair asked if anything had been heard back on the bid for funding for the perpetrators programme, which would need to come to the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Chairs before the September meeting.


Members asked that the report once it had been presented to the meeting in September 2022, be shared with all CSPs as an item of interest.

One issue of concern that was raised by a Member was with so many people under financial pressures that if triggers for domestic abuse could include alcohol consumption, substance misuse and mental health, a lot of those things would be affected by people struggling to pay bills and could lead on to more cases of domestic abuse.


Another observation was the link with football. It was asked if the data was still available which could be included in the report. The Interim Chief Executive confirmed the request would definitely be picked up with day and time of the week analysis.


Members also noted an increase of peer-on-peer abuse, whether sexual or violent which had been exacerbated by the pandemic and financial crisis. It was reported that a lot of schools had picked up the issue and had school intervention programmes, such as healthy relationships on the curriculum.


The Chair reported that she had picked up on poor attendance of all partners at CSPs with the Chief Constable, and the point would be pushed with supporting officers for each service.



1.    That the contents of the update be noted.

2.    The Interim Chief Executive to follow-up on the funding bid for the perpetrators programme for a response.

3.    That the link between football and domestic violence be analysed and included in the report.