Members to receive a report informing about the creation of a Local Criminal Justice Board for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Members will be asked to note the contents of the report.
The Police and Crime Panel received a report informing about the creation of a Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
The Police and Crime Commissioner introduced the report and explained that for some time a regional board had operated, however there was a consensus that the regional board was not delivering, and so Police and Crime Commissioner’s across the midlands region had decided to introduce an individual LCJB for each force area.
The PCC stated that Force collaboration was important and that he was keen to do all he could to address the unsatisfactory situation of long court delays and see the process of justice speeded up.
Members were advised that the new LCJB would focus on mutual support, and whilst that was established the regional board would continue to co-exist for a year meeting less frequently before being dissolved.
Members understood the desire to do this at local level but enquired how confident the PCC was that other agencies with a wider footprint would give it time and attention, and how would a local board impact on matters such as regional specialist courts that were shared across region.
The PCC stated he was very confident that other agencies would engage with the LCJB, and that the system of local boards worked very well elsewhere. It was reiterated that the regional board was continuing for a time albeit in shadow form and could be resurrected if it was found to be necessary.
Members enquired about the LCJB make-up and were informed that membership comprised representatives from institutions such as the Court Service (Crown and Magistrates Courts), Police, Crown Prosecutions Service (CPS), Probation and those organisations determined for themselves who to send to meetings although it was envisaged there be continuity of individuals attending to maintain focus on issues and awareness.
Members referred to the issues in the criminal justice system, long backlogs of perpetrators being brought to justice and frustration within the probation service and welcomed the steps being taken to try to address that situation.
There remained some concern amongst members about losing the regional board and loss of opportunity that went with that such as sharing experiences, good practice, and ideas etc. Members felt it was essential to receive updates on the LCJB meetings along with outcomes and any comparator information to other LCJB that could be used to show success rates.
Members referred to the ongoing economic situation and serious cuts to budgets that had impacted severely on the criminal justice and enquired if there was any move to support more funding into the system. The PCC responded that financing was not within his remit however he did meet and lobby ministers on behalf of our own force budgets but also other bodies within the force area where things were needed.
The Chair thanked the PCC for the report.
1. That the contents of the report be noted,
2. That regular updates on the LCJB meeting be provided to the panel,
3. That a more detailed report on progress of the LCJB, outcomes and benchmarking/comparator to other LCJB’s be brought to a panel meeting in December 2023.
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