Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


A) Burleys Way, Corah Factory Site

Planning Application 20220709


Hybrid planning application comprising: Full planning application for the demolition of existing buildings on site (excluding 2 chimneys and the façade of the 1865 OTB building), the retention and alteration of the southern façade of the 1865 building (OTB) the erection of new building to the rear to provide residential (Use Class C3) accommodation and/or commercial uses (Use Class E and F2). Outline planning application with all matters reserved for the erection of buildings to provide up to 1,143 dwellings (Classes C2 and C3), commercial uses (Classes E, F2 and Sui generis (public houses, wine bars, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways)), hotel (Use Class C1), a multi-storey car park and a pedestrian footbridge with associated landscaping, public realm and associated infrastructure.

The panel considered the Corah complex was an historically important site within the city that was a visual reminder of the city’s manufacturing past and the particularly significant socio-economic role played by the company on a national scale. They contended that the frontage to the ring road had landmark quality and aspects of the site had potential to underpin a high-quality regeneration scheme between the city centre and Abbey Park.  


The panel felt that a large number of the buildings were of distinctive architectural quality and the condition reports showed many were in active use and had the structural integrity for re-use, which would be the preferred approach. It was accepted that some elements of demolition would likely be necessary but that there was no justification for the wholesale demolition of the wider site, something which would cause significant harm to the historic visual and cultural landscape of the city.


The panel welcomed the retention of the chimneys in the northern part of the site but did not feel these had the same significance to the city as other parts of the building, particularly the strong imposing façade along Burleys Way. Their retention, along with other public art proposals, was considered token and not adequate for a site of this scale.


There was some discussion over the proposed outline elements with a feeling that some form of scale close to the canal could be supported. The panel considered Abbey Park to have an urban setting and that new development at is margins could be successfully delivered if of high-quality design. The lack of clarity over the design of the bridge element was raised, although the panel were generally comfortable with the principle of new access being provided here. However, the scale of the larger development proposed was considered unacceptable in terms of the setting of the Grade I Listed St Margaret’s Church. Here it was felt that the 18-storey tower would be a harmful addition to the skyline and particularly harmful to the setting of the tower of St Margaret’s Church, when viewed form Sanvey Gate which is a historic route.


In terms of the more detailed design for the original headquarters building of the textile company, the architectural response was considered to be poor, with the new rear elevation design not matching the quality of examples detailed in the design codes and other supporting documents. The lower quality of the detailed design gave concerns about the wider outline proposal in these terms but was also not considered acceptable as a response to the existing building form. The juxtaposition between the older elements and new was considered awkward, both in terms of materials and external detailing, but also in terms of floor levels not matching existing window openings. In addition, there were concerns raised about the cramped setting of the former headquarters building and the large scale of new buildings sitting closely to it – including the multi-storey car park. This new development would overwhelm the setting of the partially retained structure and undermine its significance.


In conclusion, the panel considered that the development proposed was the wrong approach for such a complex and historically rich site, with a new approach required that worked from the principle of contextually responsive design that sought to repurpose the higher quality structures and craft new development off and around them.   





B) 25-27 Lincoln Street; rear of

Planning Application 20220699


Demolition of single storey warehouse at rear (Class B8); construction of single and two storey building with dormers to create 6 self contained flats (6x1 bed) (Class C3); repairs to boundary wall; works to trees within a conservation area


The panel considered that the existing building did not positively add to the amenity of the attractive street in the Conservation Area. However, they were critical of the design quality of the proposed new building, considering it to be bland and meanly detailed. They were concerned that is appeared to be taking precedent from the wrong visual cue and that it was mimicking the side elevation of the adjacent plot, rather than more dominant front elevations of the terrace the other side. It was argued that dormers are not an established feature of the street, and their introduction here would look incongruous, while there was concern over the limit root protection zone of the tree to the front. The panel considered that the design did not represent high quality and contextually responsive architecture and that it would fail to preserve the character of the Conservation Area.   




C) Bay Street, St Mathews

Planning Application 20213051


Installation of 18m telecommunications monopole; ancillary development


Although the panel agreed that the location had the potential to impact on the setting of the Grade I Listed Church nearby, the scale of the pole and its industrial setting meant any impact on the heritage asset would be limited.




The following applications were reported for Members' information but no additional comments were made.


Further details on the cases below can be found by typing the reference number into:


580 Gipsy Lane

Planning Application 20212831


Change of use from house (3 bed) (Class C3) to two flats(1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed) (Class C3); demolition of outbuilding; installation of 1.8 metre high fence; dropped kerb; alterations (new window at rear)



24 Waldale Drive

Planning Application 20220443


Demolition of detached garage at rear; construction of single storey side and rear extension; construction of garden wall and alterations to garden levels at rear of house (Class C3)



32 Rendell Road

Planning Application 20220613


Demolition of part of house; construction of part single, part two storey, part three storey extension and dormer extension at rear of house (Class C3)



202 London Road

Planning Application 20220394


Demolition of existing single storey extension; construction of hardstanding at front; installation of dropped kerb at front; balcony and stars at rear of house (Class C3)



201 Loughborough Road

Planning Application 20220242


Part change of use from place of worship (Class F1) to six flats (5 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed) (Class C3); construction of second floor extension at front; replacement doors and windows; 2m high timber fence; landscaping; associated car parking; bin and cycle storage; alterations



20 Ratcliffe Road

Planning Application 20220691


Demolition of two outbuildings; replacement of front boundary and gates; construction of first floor extension at side; single storey extension at side and rear; two storey outbuilding at rear; replacement swimming pool enclosure; alterations to house (Class C3)



165 Mere Road

Planning Application 20220748


Construction of single storey extension at side and rear of house (Class C3)



Slater Street, Slater Primary School

Planning Application 20220669


External alterations to Grade II listed building



238 East Park Road

Planning Application 20220593


Construction of first floor extension at rear of house (Class C3)



3 Turner Street

Planning Application 20220684


Change of use from house to three self-contained flats



136-138 New Walk

Planning Application 20220747


Installation of artificial grass and box planting at front and rear façade; timber fence at rear; repainting works at side and rear of existing student accommodation



11 Old Barn Walk, land of

Planning Application 20220734


One non illuminated information hoarding


14 North Avenue, White House

Planning Application 20220704


Internal and external works to and within curtilage of a GII listed building



7 Silver Walk

Planning Application 20220826


Display of 2 x externally illuminated fascia signs and 1 x non-illuminated projecting sign at front and side of commercial premises (Class E)



7 Silver Walk

Planning Application 20220825


Alterations and installation of extract duct at rear of commercial unit (Class E)



Hinckley Road, Western Park Open Air School

Planning Application 20202119


Internal and external alterations to listed buildings to facilitate the change of use to office (use class E(g)(i)) and community building with cafe; demolition of two buildings and fire damaged elements; construction of three new elements/extensions; construction of bridge over watercourse; new internal driveway and external lighting (Amended plans 17.03.2022 and 25.03.2022).



116 Welford Road - H M Prison

Planning Application 20220546


Internal and external alterations to Grade II listed building



2-6 Gallowtree Gate

Planning Application 20220823


Installation of two internally illuminated fascia signs; two internally illuminated projecting signs; one internally illuminated box sign



2-6 Gallowtree Gate

Planning application 20220597


Alterations to shopfront; installation of uplighting fixtures to front and side; three new CCTV cameras to bank (Class E);alterations



University Road

Planning application 20221094


Installation of 15m high telecommunications monopole; ancillary development



43-45 Granby Street

Planning application 20220773


Installation of one static internally illuminated fascia sign; one internally illuminated projecting sign to front of betting shop (Sui Generis)



5 Market Street

Planning application 20220399


Installation of four internally illuminated fascia signs; one internally illuminated projection sign; two internally illuminated roundel signs



109 Catherine Street, The Woolpack

Planning application 20220811


Retrospective application for the retention of covered area to rear of car park



82-84 Humberstone Gate, 2-2A Wharf Street South

Planning application 20220976


Retrospective application for Installation of non-illuminated fascia signs with non-illuminated letters and installation of plastic box fascia signs with black background and white and green non-illuminated letters; posters to be installed to the Humberstone Gate & Wharf Street South (Class E)

Installation of four internally illuminated fascia signs; one internally illuminated projection sign; two internally illuminated roundel signs



88 Woodgate, Car Wash Adjacent

Planning application 20220654


Demolition of existing car wash (Sui Generis); Construction of a four storey and a part four and part five storey building comprising 42 flats (29 x 1bed, 13 x 2bed) (Class C3); associated parking and landscaping



NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 13th July 2022


Meeting Ended – 18:50

Supporting documents: