The Director of Public Health submits a report, which advises the Commission of the statutory duty to produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy jointly between the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Council, with engagement with other partners. The Commission is asked to consider and comment on the Leicester Health, Care and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027.
The Director of Public Health introduced the item and the Consultant in Public Health for Leicester City Council delivered the report, updating the Commission on the Leicester Health, Care and Wellbeing Strategy 2022/27.
The Director for Public Health noted that this was not a council document, a public health document or even a national health document, but rather suggested it was a framework of actions and emphasised on the importance of the level of engagement. It was noted that the next step would be to deliver the plan which should voice the actions raised by the Commission.
The Assistant City Mayor for Health noted that the proposed strategy would reposition Public Health, that this piece of work over arches everything else that the Council does and that the notion of living well encompasses everything.
The Head of Strategy and Planning at LLR an Integrated Care Board noted that in consultation with the Assistant City Mayor for Health there would be a development session at the next Health and Wellbeing board to flesh out what the delivery plan for the strategy looked like.
As part of the discussions and response to questions and comments raised by Members of the Commission and Youth Council representatives, it was noted that:
· Recognise that the delivery of plans needed to focus on engagement
· Designing strategies with the public at the core
· Recognition of the impact on primary medical services as a result of the projected growth in housing.
The Director of Health further noted that the data from the latest Census Report suggest that there would be future increases to services with the projected growth and the challenge was to promote healthy living to prevent people from needing support.
In further discussions about young people and health, it was noted that advocating young people being leaders in healthy lives was the approach with other alternative ways of delivery but prioritising what has the greatest impact and the delivery of services with the resources available. The Director of Public Health noted that the National curriculum sets out the teaching in schools but the challenge was to harness all the resources to deliver the best for the young people.
It was also noted that people within the communities across the city had the reach to spread and advocate projects to the public. Beat the Streets was given as an example of innovative ways to get people out and active, but it was suggested that it was also important to balance the priorities during tough times.
In response to the Chairs question in regard to reviewing the proposed strategy, it was noted that the delivery plan would have target dates set with ongoing monitoring and reporting on progress towards actions and a mid-term review was scheduled with the final review at the end of the 5 year term.
1) That the Director for Public Health be requested to consider the questions and comments raised by the Commission
2) That the Director of Public Health be requested to review the proposed strategy annually and bring it to the Commission for Scrutiny; and
3) That the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission endorses the Strategy.
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