Agenda item


Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


PCSO Julie Wycherley (Leicestershire Police) was present to provide an update on local policing issues in the ward, as follows:


·       Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) was an ongoing issue. Funding and advice was being sought for children and young person activities in the ward to divert attention to positive actions rather than antisocial behaviour.

·       Streetlights had started to be turned off earlier in a bid to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

·       The Grove Community Centre security locks and doors were now in place and the penalty box now had its own entrance. It was noted that the building would be open daily.

·       The closure notice for Gaskell Walk had been deliberated in court on 27 October 2022. It was noted to be a positive impact on the local community and the Police were working closely with CrASBU to provide support and review the potential relocation of the occupant.

·       The Police were working with the management of Co-Operative stores on Narborough Road and Hallam Crescent East to tackle shop theft, which had led to an offender being arrested and remanded in custody. Another offender had been arrested a few days prior to the meeting.

·       The PCSO noted the increased threat of burglary offences with the darker nights and upcoming Halloween and Bonfire night events. Patrols had been increased to address the seasonal increase in offences. It was noted that Braunstone Town area was more susceptible, and residents were advised to undertake precautions and remove any valuables from cars and ensure vehicles were locked.


The PSCO also provided a statistics report of crimes in the area which were noted as follows:


·       There were a total of 312 reports in 197 locations, with 177 identified victims and 118 suspects/offenders.

·       94 reports of violence against the person, 73 reports of non-crime incidents, 51 reports of theft, 43 reports of criminal damage, 29 reports of public disorder, 10 reports of drug offences, 6 reports of sexual offences, 2 reports of robbery and 1 report of possession of a weapon.


Identified issues known as NICLS (National Incident Category List) were noted as follows:


·       114 Vulnerability reports, 69 Mental Health reports, 50 Substances reports, 43 Domestic Abuse reports, 5 Knife Involvement reports, 5 Prejudice reports, 4 Child Sexual Abuse reports and 2 Firearms reports.


PSCO Wycherley noted that while there was no peak day, there was some correlation on all days but Mondays and Wednesdays. The highest times for recorded crimes were between 2pm and 11pm, peaking more specifically between 4pm and 6pm.


Members enquired how 2022 crime statistics compared with prior years. ACTION: PSCO to review and feedback at the next Ward Community Meeting.


Members enquired whether patrols were performed regularly or only in hotspots of criminal concern. It was noted that patrols were regular, either by foot or by vehicle and there was a dedicated vehicle for Anti-Social Behaviour used daily. Night reports would continue to be monitored and addressed by response officers.


Members of the public raised concern over the number of bicycle issues around Braunstone Park, which involved a child being carried by an adult while cycling, groups of cyclists harassing bystanders and cyclists riding directly at dog walkers. It was noted to be a known concern and was being monitored. Individuals were being identified but it was an ongoing process due to being unable to pursue the individuals.


It was further noted that communications between Police and Braunstone Park’s manager had been ongoing to attempt to find a solution due to the numerous entrances but was limited to the installation of bollards. Similar situations were noted in Aylestone Meadows and Western Park.


A member of the public enquired about the use of a drone in attempt to identify individuals, which was noted as plausible depending on staff availability and resources.


Members of the public also noted concerns over cyclists and e-Scooter users being driven on pavements and risking collisions with pedestrians. Riders were noted to bring extra risk when wearing all black at night.


Members of the public discussed the abandonment and retrieval of stolen Santander electric cycles. The public were advised to report to the police if they located a cycle.


Members of the public were reminded that concerns could be reported to Ward Councillors or the Ride Leicester or West Leicester Facebook Groups


PCSO Wycherley was thanked for the report.