Agenda item


The Chair of the Task Group presents the Scrutiny Review “Housing Crisis in Leicester”.



As Chair of the Task Group, Councillor Gee was invited to introduce the item.


The report of the review was submitted, and it was noted that the review was prompted by a range of factors, but most keenly felt was the erosion of affordable social housing through the right to buy mechanism which had reduced housing availability for those who most directly needed it.  A principal objective was to capture and use the very detailed knowledge that members had within their own communities and their knowledge of local issues.


While a shortage of new social rented housing was a contributing feature of the housing crisis, a full range was highlighted, including problems facing those who own their own homes or living in the private rented sector (PRS).  Members recognised the value of the PRS, while also pointing to adverse issues within the sector, particularly high rents, poor housing, antisocial behaviour by tenants, and landlords who failed to maintain the homes occupied by their tenants. 


Frustration with the planning system, which appeared to freeze potential housing sites out of the reach of housing providers, and by extension was beyond the reach of those in greatest need, was also a feature of the review. 


The related developing crisis of high inflation and energy costs also contributed to the housing crisis and the failures in Government policy were referred to and acknowledged.


The Executive Summary, background to the review and key findings were noted.


Councillor Gee commented on and welcomed the attendance of Councillors Kitterick, Waddington and Whittle, who were not Commission members but had remained in the meeting to discuss the item.


The Chair of the Commission thanked Councillor Gee for his introduction and asked for questions and comments.


It was suggested that the emphasis should be widened from Government blame and comment was made on the availability of Council owned and which could potentially be developed for housing.  The possibility of creating a development company to accelerate this proposal and the need for clear data was stressed to ensure that the work of the Task Group and the Review did not end up being wasted. In this regard it was confirmed that a report to update on progress would be submitted to the Commission at a future agreed meeting.


The Assistant City Mayor (Housing and Education) advised that she hoped for clear asks of Government to result from the review.  She added that the crisis should be seen as a corporate responsibility across the Council, including consideration by public health, economic development and other services.


In conclusion the Chair referred to the possibility of a licensing scheme for private landlords to improve conditions which would be a factor for future deliberation.



1.    To endorse the final Scrutiny Report - ‘Housing Crisis in Leicester’.


2.    That the Assistant City Mayor (Housing and Education) and the Executive be requested to consider the recommendations and calls for action to Central Government as contained in the final Scrutiny Report.


3.    That a report to update on progress be submitted to the Commission at a future meeting.




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