Members to receive a verbal update on the organisational progress of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Systems.
David Sissling, Chair of the Integrated Care Board provided a verbal update on the organisation progress of the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Integrated Care System (ICS).
Members were reminded of the background to the introduction of the Integrated Care System and how that reflected movement in health and care towards collaboration and partnership. It was advised that collaboration and partnership were very much at the centre of the integrated care system and the aim was to bring the best out of central services, and to have broader focus to include inequity and inequality.
Members noted that over the past 8 months the foundations for the new ICS had been put in place and those were being developed at pace.
Sarah Prema, Chief Strategy Officer for the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB) reminded Members that the ICB was established on 1st July 2022 as part of the ICS and was the ICB that planned and co-ordinated delivery across LLR.
Members were advised there was also a Health & Wellbeing partnership, that was co-chaired by the Health & Wellbeing Board Chairs with members drawn from Health & Wellbeing Boards across the Local Authority areas. The Health & Wellbeing Partnership had met several times looking at focused areas and were developing the integrated care strategy, the draft strategy would be presented to Health & Wellbeing Boards for consideration before going through a period of consultation. The aim was to have the integrated care strategy in place for Autumn 2023.
Members were informed that the ICB was also required to produce a delivery plan which would be called the 5 years forward view plan, this was required to be finalised by June 2023 and would set out how services will be delivered and how they would deliver on the needs of populations. The 5 years forward view plan was in process of drafting and engagement would take place in similar timescales as for the integrated care strategy.
Sarah went on to inform members that there would be a change in integrated care commissioning responsibilities from April 2023, and the establishment of sets of services called pods, e.g., pharmacy, optometry and dental which would be within the remit of the ICB going forward with responsibility for delivery of services at a local level. In relation to specialist services, it was advised circa 60 (out of 169) specialist services would come within the ICB remit over the next year with ongoing dialogue about whether other specialist services would transition later in 2024.
Members appreciated the verbal update but indicated it would be more helpful in future to receive written reports so that they could absorb the content and formulate questions for a proper discussion to take place.
Members asked that a further written update report be provided from the Integrated Care Board after May 2023 to provide more understanding of what was actually taking place and how services were being commissioned rather than theoretical updates of what was planned to be done.
The Chair thanked David and Sarah for attending.
1. That the verbal update be noted,
2. That all future reports be provided in writing to give a clearer indication and enable members to fully consider and raise comments.
3. That a further written update report be provided from the Integrated Care Board to the next committee meeting after May 2023.
Richard Mitchell UHL, Becky Cassidy UHL and David Sissling ICB left the meeting.