Agenda item


Sarah Prema, Chief Strategy Officer, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, to present a report on the draft Integrated Care Strategy which has been developed by the LLR Health and Wellbeing Partnership, and outline the engagement process with Health and Wellbeing Boards.




Sarah Prema, Chief Strategy Officer, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB), presented a report on the draft Integrated Care Strategy which has been developed by the LLR Health and Wellbeing Partnership, and outlined the engagement process with Health and Wellbeing Boards.


It was noted that:-


·         The ICB are required to develop an Integrated Care Strategy.

·         The first draft of the strategy was presented to the LLR Health and Wellbeing Partnership in December 2022. It was agreed that further engagement would take place with the three Health and Wellbeing Boards in LLR in the first quarter of 2023 to gain feedback with a view to getting a final strategy approved and published by the latest Autumn of 2023.

·         A number of workshops had produced the initial draft for engagement purposes, and it was proposed to produce the final version by the end of summer and autumn allowing for the local elections in May 2023. 

·         The purpose of the Strategy was to reassure the wider public on how the ICB was seen to be operating within a clear framework. 


Members of the Board commented that:-

·         That whilst the Strategy was ambitious and impressive, there was no reference to prevention measures which were equally important.  What percentage of the system’s budget would be allocated to prevention measures as it was considered that without funding prevention measures the Strategy would not achieve it targets as the system would always be responding to firefighting measures.  The need to change the current factors affecting health had to be accepted as well as a commitment to make changes.  Given that the health and social care budgets had been cut drastically in recent years did the Strategy model the realities that would stumble the system to deliver the target, otherwise the same discussions would be repeated in future years and faith and trust would be lost in those delivering services.

·         The Strategy was seen as an expression of the wider partnership with the ICB and a platform to sponsor and promote pieces of work, one of which would need to be the cost of living crisis.  There should be respect for the challenges of each place within the LLR footprint as they differed in each health Boards area.

·         It was suggested that the Strategy should make reference to the detailed plan put in place for Health and & Wellbeing for the City and other areas and that that the 5 Year Strategy also needed to link into this report so that those issues could also be addressed.

·         It was felt that the Strategy was silent on the ambitions of partners, young people, mental health prevention etc and illustrations requiring high level financial forecasts.


In response to the issues made by Board Members officers commented that  prevention should not be viewed as making changes and improvements in 5 or 10 years’ time.  There were issues such as the statistics for people dying younger than the national averages where early intervention can have a significant impact in short periods of time.  It was everyone’s responsibility to engage in prevention to address current issues.


The Chair commented that the Council had a Deputy City Mayor for Social Care and Anti-Poverty, a lead on neighbourhoods and Councillor Cutkelvin led on housing and this emphasised that there needed to be joined up approach between the representatives on the Board.


Ivan Browne commented that it was important for each partner to know what each organisation did so that each could signpost to appropriate services and initiatives to maximise service delivery. 


Andy Williams commented that in relation to the need for immediacy of prevention the City had delivered the biggest vaccination programme in history in partnership between health and Council partners.   The City had also dealt with migrant issues in a similar co-ordinated response.  Prevention should be seen as ‘a now issue’ for consideration and a case study could be incorporated.  Officers would pick this up this issue. 



AGREED:-     That the draft Strategy be supported and officers take into account the comments made by Board members above.

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