Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education submits a report on Family Hubs.


The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education submitted a report updating the commission on the progress towards the Family Hubs model in line with the Family Hubs and Start for Life programme funded by the DFE. The focus was being placed on developing an integrated network of support both online and at physical locations across Leicester in line with the programme’s 178 minimum expectations. 


The report and the following points were noted:

·       75 Local Authorities had been selected by the DfE and DHSC as being eligible to receive a share of £300m funding. The 75 LAs that were provided with funding, were the ones with the highest deprivation levels.

·       5 Local Authorities had been chosen in the East Midlands:

-       Leicester City

-       Derby City

-       Lincolnshire

-       Northamptonshire

-       Nottingham

·       Additional Authorities were given the opportunity to apply for a smaller amount of funding, which Leicestershire County were successful in that bid.

·       The purpose of family hubs were intended to provide a central access point to enable families to receive support and advise from an increased number of touchpoints, across the city. This includes a number of main buildings explicitly named as Family Hubs, with co-located teams of specialist services and a network of buildings, that may already be accessed by families and are accessible to families. There would also be a Virtual Family Hub, via a website.

·       There are 178 minimum expectations attached to the funding.

·       Family Hubs funding has to be evidenced to developing and delivering the start to life offer which covers children from conception to 2 years old, 1001 critical days.

·       The Family Hub offers support, advice and services for people during pregnancy and those with children from 0-19 or up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities.?

·       The Family Hub Network would bring partners from across all sectors (health, social care, leisure) to work together to provide joined up local services for children, young people and families. This localised offer would improve access to services and improve the connections between families and professionals, services and providers.?

·       Work would be completed together for the benefit of children, young people and families in Leicester, helping them to build trusting and supportive relationships and meeting their needs in a way that is accessible to them.?

·       The plan was initially released to LCC on 8 February 2023, which realised the funding for year one. The final revised version was submitted on 25 August 2023 and the policy would be confirmed in the next few weeks.


The Chair thanked the team for their presentation and the hard work that had been put into the Family Hubs Programme, to overcome challenges and frustrations faced with the guidance and contact provided by the DfE.


In response to Members questions it was noted that:

·       Family Hubs were a new beginning to ensure LCCs own workforce would be integral with training.

·       The Family Hubs were there to replace and improve the existing services, to give a universal offering of support that would be accessible to everyone.

·       Training was being offered across the teams internal workforce, including all of the Early Help Practitioners across the 12 children, Young People And Family Centres.

·       As part of the sustainability of Family Hubs, would be for volunteers to be trained to be able to help with support needs.

·       The five key family hub sites wont all be one of the existing children, Young People And Family Centres.

·       The 178 expectations were decided by the Central Government. The requirements from LCC are to provide services and improve outcomes and support within the community.  

·       Work would continue with schools across the City, to  look at how we can provide training with the kind of professionals within the school setting. Keep in touch meetings were happening with head teachers to talk to them about family hubs and what it would mean for families and schools.  

·       Children, Young People and Family centres would now be funded out of the general fund.

·       Two parent champions would attend the Family Hubs Programme Board, to assure their voices are represented.

·       People within the community would receive training, to be able to engage within their communities to understand the needs which will support the planning and skills required within the communities.

·       The team had been working really hard to ensure  a balance between meeting family’s needs, with positive contributions and ensuring the Family Hub Programmes requirements were met.



1.     The commission notes the report and thanks officers for the presentation.

2.     Family Hubs to stay on the work programme and bring an update to the commission in 6 months’ time.

3.     Comments and suggestions made by Members be noted.



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