Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education submits a report on Adult Social Cares improvement journey.


Members of the Commission are recommended to note the report and pass any comments to the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education.


The Executive Lead Member for Social Care, Health and Community Safety introduced the item highlighting that it has been over ten years since Adult Social Care has had an inspection framework. The Authority has however continued to supply national data, undertake peer reviews and benchmark against other Authorities. Ahead of the new process due to be implemented by the CQC, along with others in the region, feedback was sought by an independent person to examine the Division to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Although the details of the CQC’s approach are currently unknown, it was noted that is it unlikely to be similar to the Children’s Ofsted approach which has useful elements, such as Keeping in Touch Meetings to understand initial findings.


The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education presented the report, and it was noted that:

·       The CQC have undertaken five pilot assessments. Each approach has been very different and not like that taken by Ofsted. Whilst the CQC is used to inspecting operational functions such as Care Homes, the Local Authority Adult Social Care division is very different.

·       Of the five authorities that have been assessed, none were provided feedback during the assessment but three have now received draft letters. It is not believed that the authorities will have an opportunity to comment before publication, but this may change.

·       It is envisaged that the CQC will start to contact local authorities and assessments to commence from January 2024.

·       Authorities within the East Midlands Region agreed to prepare for the assessments through an intense annual conversation. This entailed a former Director of Adult Social Services visiting each local authority for 48 hours to review materials, undertake interviews, prepare a response, and present to senior management.

·       The annual conversation was a limited timeframe, and it was recognised that it wouldn’t be true reflection for everything as there was insufficient time to review or triangulate.

·       It was a useful process to identify strengths and flag development areas to prepare for the assessment which are contained within Table 1 of the report.


In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:


·       The lack of clarity about the assessment process is frustrating and the reminder to take a positive approach is a helpful comment. This will be the case when liaising with officers and providers but it is equally important to be honest and recognise where our strengths and challenges are to reflect the reality of providing a service that is right for Leicester residents with resources available.

·       Officers at all levels of the division have been included in preparing for the assessment to understand what is being done and why. Use of methodology storyboards have been utilised to link roles with the organisation’s strategy to showcase and celebrate strengths and reflect on areas for improvement.

·       Undertaking two approaches to prepare through the self-assessment and an intense annual conversation has been helpful to be self-aware of strengths and both identifying similar areas for improvement and associated plans. 

·       The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education and Executive Lead Member for Social Care, Health and Community Safety have raised the importance of clarity about the approach and incorporating keeping in touch meetings nationally and through the Local Government Association, but the CQC do not appear to have confirmed the process themselves yet to provide information.


The Chair thanked officers for the openness of the report and raised concerns about the ongoing issues with direct payments and waiting times for reviews that have been raised at the Commission previously.



·       The Commission notes the report.

·       That the Commission requests a report on the assessment at the appropriate time.  

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