Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submitted a report on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order for the A6, St. Margarets Way and Abbey Lane.


The Director for Planning, Development and Transportation introduced the item to highlight that the revised process enabled proposed TRO reports to be considered by the Commission instead of the Planning Committee. It was further highlighted that comments made by Members would be considered by the Director alongside consultation responses to determine whether to proceed or make changes.


The Team Leader for Central Area presented the item, and it was noted that:

·       The proposal is to introduce a series of 24/7 bus lanes in both directions along the A6 corridor, between Burleys Way and Red Hill Circle. It is identified as a strategic route into the city whereby punctuality standards of the three main services are currently below the standard expected.

·       Traffic modelling has taken place along with discussions with bus operators to identify where most congestion arises in order to locate sections of bus lane in the most beneficial locations to improve reliability and punctuality.

·       The TRO was advertised in July 2023, leaflets were delivered directly to around three thousand homes and was publicised via social media and local news. Over 100 responses were received opposed to scheme along with some general support. Most themes identified within comments opposing the scheme related to congestion, pollution and not requiring bus lanes out of peak hours.

In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·       There had been a larger response to the consultation in comparison with other schemes with most opposed to the proposal. However, each scheme is very different and the number of responses received was low compared with the number of users of the route.

·       An objectors meeting could be a potential option for consideration for further engagement regarding the scheme. It could also address common themes outlined within objections.

·       The scheme is identified to be funded through the Transforming Cities Fund for which funding is allocated to specific schemes although not ringfenced.

·       Traffic modelling has been undertaken when developing the scheme and visual examples of how the flow of traffic will operate can be illustrated.

As part of the discussion Members comments included:

·       Further objector engagement should be considered by the Director for Planning, Development and Transportation as decision maker of the TRO proposal.

·       The proposed design of sections of bus lanes would have an overall negative impact on people choosing to come to Leicester city centre and is likely to lead to more congestion and therefore pollution. 

·       The funding required for the slight improvement in bus journey times would not be worthwhile given the impact to other road users.

·       The implementation of 24/7 bus lanes do not in themselves provide an attractive offer to encourage members of the public to choose the bus as an alternative to the private vehicle.

·       The proposal of a red route and associated enforcement would prevent private vehicles being able to drop off, pick up or load.

·       Bus lanes should be implemented at specific times as opposed to 24/7.

The Chair noted that she had read each response and it was evident that individuals had provided detailed explanations to outline their concerns to the scheme which must be properly considered by the decision maker.


·       Members comments be noted by the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation. 

·       The Commission believed further engagement be considered by the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation regarding objections to the proposed TRO – A6 Bus Lane Corridor Scheme.

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