Agenda item


The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations or statements of case received in accordance with Council procedures.


Martin Gage to ask:


Whilst appreciating the financial problems that Leicester City Council faces, does the City Council appreciate that scrapping relatively small grants to voluntary and community groups like the Centre Project, with a track record of preventing homelessness and isolation across the city, is only increasing problems for themselves further down the line?  Housing is such a big issue for the Council that reducing the prevention services seems like a false economy.


The Chair noted she had received a copy of the letter sent to the Deputy City Mayor for Housing and Neighbourhoods from the Centre Project and invited the questioner to ask his question.


The Chair of Trustees of the Centre Project, Martin Gage, asked:

Whilst appreciating the financial problems that Leicester City Council faces, does the City Council appreciate that scrapping relatively small grants to voluntary and community groups like the Centre Project, with a track record of preventing homelessness and isolation across the city, is only increasing problems for themselves further down the line? Housing is such a big issue for the Council that reducing the prevention services seems like a false economy.


The Director of Housing responded to the question in which it was noted that:


·       The good work and positive impact the Centre Project have in supporting the community was recognised.

·       Grant funding is provided to the Centre Project for day centre activities where a direct link to preventing homelessness is not easily identifiable. The authority provides similar activities such as warm spaces and other organisations who offer day centre support do not receive housing funding which is inequitable.

·       Discussions between the housing division and Centre Project have been ongoing for several months to mitigate the loss of the grant funding and identify alternative funding that supports the good work of the organisation.

·       The authority has offered the Centre Project the opportunity to operate from the Dawn Centre to work alongside other organisations to tackle homelessness and whilst this has been considered the Centre Project, this is not being pursued given their wider work.


In response to Members comments and questions it was noted that:


·       The Centre Project receive a £24,500 grant fund from homelessness services from the general fund. The proposal is to withdraw the grant funding at the end of the current financial year along with other efficiency savings due to the significant financial pressures on the budget which will be scrutinised by OSC before Council.

·       The Centre Project receive other sources of funding and officers are working with the organisation to identify appropriate funding for the great work in preventing social isolation and signposting residents to relevant services.


The Chair invited the questioner to respond in which it was noted that:


·       The Centre Project has received £24,500 over the last 10years which they are grateful of, although it has not increased with inflation.

·       The withdrawal of funding will not threaten the existence of the Centre Project as it does receive funding from elsewhere although they may be year reduction of services and staffing to support vulnerable people.

·       The Centre Project cannot relocate to the Dawn Centre due to its holistic approach, including provision of a food bank, tea and coffee and listening ear to prevent people from despair which may lead to homelessness.

·       Some individuals are banned from organisations that offer homeless services and referrals can be made to the Centre Project.


The Chair highlighted that she had previously visited the Centre Project to observe the good work of the organisation and noted the Commission’s thanks for the support provided to residents. It was further noted that the Commission were assured that withdrawal of funding will not put the Centre Project at risk and agreed that officers continue to liaise with the organisation to secure alternative funding.