Agenda item


The Director of Adult Social Care and Commissioning submits a report providing an overview on the growing needs of autism and its impact on Adult Social Care in Leicester.


The Director for Adult Social Care & Commissioning introduced the item highlighting the report had been produced following a request from the Commission recognising the growing needs and the impact this may have on services. It was noted that the report sets out what is known on the prevalence and the ambition to understand more in which Public Health have been commissioned to update the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. ? 


The Deputy City Mayor for Social Care, Health and Community Safety noted more people are being diagnosed with autism and particularly neurodiverse conditions but that does not necessitate support from social care. Further work is required, and data collection is needed to better understand autism and neurodiversity to take a strength-based approach and raise awareness and encourage employers to be supportive and utilise individuals' skills. ? 


The Head of Commissioning highlighted that various workstreams are underway to identify how to best support individuals with autism or neurodiverse conditions who may not meet the social care threshold but benefit from preventative support to live well. It was noted that whilst challenges exist there is also plenty of opportunities including joint working with public health and health partners, ensuring there is a collective understanding by speaking directly with those who draw on support and their families, supporting carers and raising awareness with employers. The Commission were informed that a placed based plan is being developed and would be shared at a future meeting. ? 
In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that: ?


·       Adult social care support is provided to individuals diagnosed with autism and a learning disability primarily by the learning disability team and individuals with autism only by the mental health team. ? 

·       The National strategy for autistic children, young people and adults is the first time all age groups were incorporated. Work continues to be undertaken by different services, but the Local Authority and health services continue to identify collaborative working to ensure all individuals and families are supported at the right time by the right service including through the transition from Childrens to adults. ? 


The Deputy City Mayor for Social Care, Health and Community Safety highlighted challenges for health partners, noting Leicestershire Partnership Trust are not allowed to use additional mental health funding to address the backlog of diagnosing individuals for autism and ADHD. Assurance was provided that partnership work will continue to promote employment support and identify collaborative ways of working noting an event taking place in Cardiff as a neurodiverse friendly city.? ? 
The Vice Chair highlighted that Oliver McGowan online training was mandatory for workers in health and social care and that she had undertaken Tier 2 which included presentations from individuals with lived experience. ??


The Commission noted the complexities surrounding the issue and thanked officers for the report and ongoing work. It was recommended that the item be added to the work programme to the relevant Committee or Board to enable collaborative partnership discussions and working. ? 



·       The Commission noted the report. ? 

·       Autism Placed Based Delivery Plan to be added to the work programme. ? 

·       Item to be added to the work programme for the appropriate Board/Committee.?

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