Agenda item


The Director of Housing submits a report providing an overview of the adaptations service and progress of the new Adaptations Strategy.


The Head of Service presented the report, and it was noted that:? 


·       All adaptation requests are assessed by an occupational therapist in adult social care. If an adaptation is required, it is referred to the locality team or adaptation team. ? 

·       Adaptations to council properties are processed by the technical service and works carried out by the inhouse repairs team or a contractor. Minor works, those less that £1k, usually require no delays – subject to availability of equipment. Larger adaptations are allocated priority points by an occupational therapist. The waiting list is dynamic and varies depending on the adaptation cases approved, and priority points awarded. Priority points are attributed to cases waiting to ensure adaptation will always be completed. ? 

·       The service has been proactive in increasing wheelchair adapted properties. The adapt to let scheme enables vacant properties that could be fully or partially accessible to be advertised on Home Choice and a minimum of 10% wheelchair accessible homes will be delivered through the new build programme, with the first due to be delivered at the Saffron Velodrome site.? 

·       Adaptations for non-council homes are requested to be undertaken by contractors through adult social care. The housing division has a mandatory function to administer the Disabled Facilities Grant and therefore may be involved in non-council tenant major adaptation although some individuals choose to entirely self-fund. The Disabled Facilities Grant is means tested and has specific requirements for funding such as access to an internal bathroom, cooking and sleeping facilities. The maximum grant is £30k. ? 

·       An Adaptation Strategy is currently being developed – data has been gathered and key themes are being identified. The Commission will be invited to comment on the strategy in due course. ? 


In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:? 

·       Adaptations vary for completion depending on works required and priority. Minor adaptations such as grab rails or to enable a hospital discharge will usually be completed within seven days. External concrete ramps are likely to take longer. Major adaptations are allocated points to ensure urgent needs are met sooner but all adaptations are completed. ? 

·       Minor adaptations are generally undertaken by the in-house team and major adaptations such as equipment-based lifts, access showers, ground floor facilities and extensions are outsourced to contractors. ? 

·       The budget for 2021/22 was not fully spent during the pandemic as adaptations could not be undertaken within homes although the service continued to undertake external adaptations. The underspend was carried forward to 2022/23 to meet demand of adaptations but was reduced in 2023/24 due to budget pressures although the government Better Care Fund monies was increased following representations. ? 

·       Government have not confirmed Better Care Funding for 2024/25. Once funding is allocated to deliver adaptations for the twelve-month period the housing division will submit a bid to the General Fund to bridge the gap of what the service forecasts to be required based on historic trends. This is monitored throughout the year and additional funding bids can be requested if there is higher demand for adaptations. ? 

·       All adaptations assessed and referred by an occupational therapist will be undertaken but are completed on a priority needs basis. The service has generally completed all adaptions required within the financial year, but ongoing budget pressures could require some waiting times.

·       Cost price inflation for materials and services in the construction sector is increasing the cost of adaptations and impacting the number that can be completed.? 

·       Occupational therapists will try to ensure the recommended adaptations meet the needs of the individual in the existing building and affordability but may sometimes require review. For adaptations over £30k the division try and work with other agencies to enable the full cost to be met. Health funding can be contributed or where care home fees are excessive and the cost to fund an adaptation would be less can sometimes be supported although is rare. Charities may also contribute and families themselves may pay additional costs above the £30k Disabled Facilities Grant. Data is available on the number of adaptations above £30k and can be shared with the Commission. ? 

·       Some individuals chose to self-fund part of the cost. Where an occupational therapist has approved a scheme, a homeowner can request additional works and fund the equivalent costs. ? 



·       The Commission noted the report.?? 

·       Adaptations Strategy to remain on the work programme. ? 

·       Data to be shared on the number of adaptations above £30k.?

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