As the reports on the Revenue Budget and Capital
Programme were related, they were taken as one item.
Director of Finance submitted a report detailing the proposed
Revenue Budget for 2025/26.
Head of Finance (City Development & Neighbourhoods) gave an
overview of the report, key points to note were as
- The
medium-term outlook was the most severe ever experienced. The Local
Authority, along with many other authorities, would face increasing
difficulties with budget balancing.
- The
aim of the strategy was to balance budgets up to and including
- Some
local authorities had already issued a Section 114 notice and, if
successful, the budget strategy would avoid the same outcome for
the next three years.
- The
decade of austerity up to 2020 was an influencing factor, during
this period services other than Social Care had to be reduced by
53%. This had substantially reduced the scope to make further
- More
recent cost pressures included Social Care and Homelessness, which
were not matched by an increase in income.
- The
Local Authority used one off monies to
support budgets for this and last year.
- It was
anticipated that there would be a new round of financial constraint
following the Chancellor’s Budget of October 2024. Central
Government understood the position for local authorities and some
funding for deprived localities was anticipated. However, funding
for protected services, local authorities usually fall within this
category, was expected to be cut in the period to
- There
were five strands to the strategy:
Strand 1: To release one off monies of £110m
to buy time. This included £20m from earmarked reserves and
£90m previously set aside to fund the current Capital
Programme. This left a gap in funding for already approved schemes.
Borrowing would be required which would cost the local authority
£5m pounds in interest and debt repayments
Strand 2: Included proposed reductions of £13m
in the approved Capital
Programme to reduce the amount of borrowing required. The areas
covered by this commission would include £1.3m reduction from
not proceeding with the planned Malcom Arcade
refurbishment. A £3.2m reduction
by not committing to any further city centre improvement schemes
under Connecting Leicester. A £5.9m reduction from policy
provisions including strategic acquisitions and Highways &
transport infrastructure.
Strand 3: Included the proposed sale of properties
to secure an additional £60m. To
use this for the budgets, permission is required from The Secretary
of State.
Strand 4: Was to constrain growth in statutory services that are
Demand-led pressure. Much work on this had already
been done, cost growth had been reduced by estimates of £99m
per year.
Strand 5: Was to make
ongoing savings to revenue budget of £20m per
There was a saving target of £4m in the
Planning, Development & Transportation Division and a savings target of £2.3m for
Tourism, Culture & Inward Investment.
Those savings would still leave an estimated gap of
£90m in year 2027/28.
The strategy did contain risk, for example if was
difficult to predict what new pressures might occur within the
Social Care system and with the housing crises.
The Director of Finance submitted a report detailing
the proposed Capital Programme for 2025/26.
The Head of Finance (City Development &
Neighbourhoods) presented the report.
Key points included:
- £3.26m was provided for the Highway Capital Maintenance
- £2.56m was provided for the Transport Improvement
- £0.40m was provided for Local Environmental Works in
- £0.30m was provided for the Flood & Drainage
- £0.20m was provided for Front Walls
- £0.08m was provided for the Historic Building Grant
- £0.06m was provided for Southgates Underpass Lighting under the Invest to
Save programme.
- Approximately £5m had been allocated to facilitate Capital
Assets disposal.
Commission was invited to ask questions and make
comments. Key Points included:
- The
draft Local Government Finance Settlement had been received at the
end of 2024. Indications were that this is slightly better than
anticipated but that it did not fundamentally affect the strategy
or the need for savings. A report would go to the Overview Select
Committee with further details of the Settlement.
- Pressures mentioned in the previous budget report would have
alluded primarily to Social Care and Homelessness, similarly to the
current pressures faced.
- Pressures surrounding adult and children’s social care
were due primarily to the numbers presenting and levels of needs
which required meeting. There were generally increasing numbers of
people requiring support, with higher cost packages of
- In
terms of Planning Development and Transportation, there would be a
£4m budget reduction.
- There
would be a budget reduction of £2.3m for Tourism, Culture
& Inward Investment.
- Officers and the Executive were working through savings
proposals across the board. These include opportunities to generate
additional income alongside ways to be more efficient.
- In
response to a query regarding Capital monies that had previously
been allocated to the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise
Partnership (LLEP), it was clarified that this money had been part
of the Growing Places Fund, and whilst it is ring-fenced for
economic development and prosperity, there had not yet been any
agreement on how this money would be spent. The Council was the accountable body for this
money in terms of how it was to be spent across the functional
economic area.
- In
terms of asset disposal, these would be assets that were
underperforming or were surplus to requirements, not assets used in
the delivery of service. When
considering assets for disposal, there was consideration of whether
income was being generated, and the strategic potential for sites.
This included land that may have been held historically but were no
longer required. Existing established decision-making processes
were in place for asset disposal, and these include assets above
£500k being subject to public scrutiny through Executive
- It was
requested that a list of assets under consideration be
Chair asked that the any points relevant be raised at the Overview
Select Committee.
That the report be noted.
That comments made by members of this commission be
taken into account by the lead
That officers keep members informed on budget
That the need for transparency on asset disposal be
That the report be brought to Overview Select
Committee prior to Full Council.