The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report summarising the delivery of the Ashton Green development programme and progress since the last reporting to the Scrutiny Commission in March 2019.
A presentation will be given at the meeting.
The Director of Planning Development and Transportation submitted a report to provide an update on the Ashton Green Development.
The Programme Manager for Planning Development and Transportation presented an overview of the report using the slides attached. Key points to note were:
Members were invited to comment and ask questions, Responses were as follows:
· Regarding bus services, it was hoped that provision could be balanced with housing numbers and testing would need to be done. Outline planning permission was to come. The Local Authority was looking at bus subsidies across the city so Ashton Green could come into these considerations.
· Highway capacity had been considered jointly by both Leicester City and Leicestershire County Councils at the start of the project. Discussions had included the potential for connecting with the A46 but the National Agency had opposed this. There were substantial improvements made to Anstey Lane down to the A46 which would benefit the surrounding network.
· Discussions could take place with the bus companies about extending existing bus services, but again this would depend on capacity of dwellings.
· To date, the focus had been on building housing in line with the set government timescales. Large developers tended to offer speed of delivery but future opportunities could be looked at for smaller developers. This however could present challenges in terms of infrastructure. Local apprenticeships were a consideration particularly on smaller developments.
· An update on ESOL Skills Bootcamps would be coming to scrutiny in March 2025. It would be possible to look at opportunities for local construction workers at that point.
· Regarding questions from Climate Action Leicester it was noted that:
o The original 2011 planning consent required all homes to be delivered to the former level 4 code Staple Homes Standard. Currently progress fell in line with the Future Homes Standard emissions target for 2050.
o There was a functioning cycle route in place connecting the development to Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre. Wider cycle routes were embodied in the programme to consider cycle connectivity within and outside of the development.
o Cycle routes connecting to the new secondary school were in consideration.
· A County Council development (Broadnook) was in close proximity to Ashton Green and communications were in place between the authorities and District Council to consider cumulative impacts. Large sites tended to come with considerable green space which created buffers and major conservation opportunities.
· Discussions on the secondary school included placement and road access.
2) That comments made by members of this commission to be taken into account by the lead officers.
3) For continued liaisons with local Councillors regarding issues impacting on local and future residents.
4) Formal responses to be shared back regarding questions from Climate Action.
5) Climate Action points to be taken into consideration.
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