Agenda item

Support for People who Self-fund their Social Care

The Director of Adult Social Care and Safeguarding submits a report to provide the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission with an overview of the support offered to people who self-fund their Adult Social Care (ASC) support.


The Director of Social Care and Safeguarding submitted a report to give the commission an overview on how Adult Social Care provides support for people who self-fund their care.


It was noted that:


·       A person with assets of more than £23,250 is regarded as a self-funder of their care and support.

·       What constitutes an asset depends on the setting of care required, this could be residential or non-residential. This may include savings, stocks or shares and property. The value of a person’s home is not considered an asset where they are receiving community-based support at home.

·       Self-funders have the right to request needs assessments and be provided with an assessment report.

·       The Local Authority has the power to charge for support at full cost and to charge an arrangement fee, when support is provided and arrangements are made on peoples behalf, and they are self-funders.

·       Self-funders have the right to access the universal support a Local Authority provides under the Care Act, including information, advice and guidance, preventative support and support that might promote general wellbeing.

·       If a person’s assets were to approach the threshold of £23,250, they could approach the Local Authority for an assessment, to determine their eligibility for care and support and a financial assessment to determine what contributions the Local Authority could provide for support arrangements.

·       It is difficult to state accurately how many people do self-fund in Leicester City. National Estimates state between 18-23% of people who require Adult Social Care in Leicester may be able to self-fund their care.

·       It is in the Council’s interests to ensure that people’s independence is maximised, as this promotes wellbeing and reduces the need for people to use their assets to pay for care that could have been avoided. Therefore, self-funders have full access to crisis response services and reablement, which are provided at no cost to anyone requiring this support, including people who would self-fund their longer-term care.

·       Leicester City Council does not currently charge for support in arranging a person’s care, where it is being self-funded.

·       The Council is currently making arrangements for 53 self-funding individuals. In which 21 receiving non-residential care and 32 people receiving residential care.

·       A person who has self-funded an independently chosen care home is likely to be paying a higher weekly rate that a person placed by a Local Authority.

·       The Council may not agree to fund the care that is currently in place for a person on a self-funding basis. Where a person is already living in a care home, this could present a challenge and would require exploring alternative settings, either in the community or in a less expensive care home that adequately meets an individual’s needs. This can be upsetting for individuals and families, who, understandably, do not wish to move from their current home. Each year, the Councill will work with a small number of individuals faced with this situation.

·       In 2023/24 275 people were newly admitted into Adult Social Care. 20 of these people were new admissions into Council funded care due to their savings dropping below the threshold., but were

already in care at the point of approaching the Council.


In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:


·       The structure on how assets are reviewed for people self-funding care in the community does not include the house they or their family currently live. The Charging Framework is a national policy and should be followed at a local level.

·       When an individual is already in a care placement and they drop below the threshold to receive state funded care, it is reasonable to consider moving them to a lesser costing facility that still meets the required care needs. This would be subject to careful assessment including of any wellbeing impact. People who may move would still have a choice and support in negotiating with providers across the City or wider, to support with their care move. This scenario affects only a very small number of people each year. 



1.     That Members note the report.

2.     Health Watch Leicester to circulate flyer with details of support available for Members and the wider Council.

3.     Any further questions be sent over to the Director of Adult Social Care and Safeguarding.


Supporting documents: