As the reports on the Revenue Budget and Capital
Programme were related, they were taken as one item.
The Director of Finance submitted a draft report
proposing the General Fund
Revenue Budget for 2025/26 and the Capital Programme
for 2025/26.
Key points included:
- The
medium-term financial outlook was the most severe ever
known. The Council was in the same
situation as many other local authorities who were facing
difficulties balancing the financial budget, some of which had
issued a Section 114 notice.
- The
Council found itself in this position due to a period of austerity
which had reduced the scope to make further savings.
- Recent
cost pressures had not been matched by government
funding. Additionally, cost pressures
were affected by a high demand for social care and a rise in
- The
Council were fortunate to have one-off monies available, however,
following the Chancellor’s national budget in October, more
constraints were anticipated.
- The
Government understood the situation that councils were in, however,
it was thought that new funding would be modest and amount to a
real-terms cut in ‘unprotected services’ including
those provided by councils.
- The
report showed action taken by the Council. The strategy was to balance the budget up to
2028. The strategy was based on
forecasts and was aimed at maximising one-off
- It was
not expected that there would be any longer-term government plans
until next year.
- Strand
1 of the Revenue Budget involved releasing one-off monies in order
to buy time.
- Reductions in the Capital Programme involved spending less and
raising funds selling property.
- The
strategy was reliant on one-off money to get to the 2027/28
financial year, after which there would be a gap of
- With
regard to the one-year Capital Programme, there was no certainty
over government funding. The government
would publish a spending review in spring.
- The
Capital Programme was linked to getting to a stable revenue
- The
budgets were balanced for the next three years. This was the best outlook at this
Commission was invited to ask questions and make
comments. Key Points included:
- In
response to concern raised that the detailed financial information
was not adequately broken down into divisions and service areas, it
was explained that since the reports went to all commissions, they
focussed on the overall position.
Additionally, in terms of reports focussing on children’s
services, it was ensured that financial implications were set out
as clearly as possible. The need for a
breakdown would be fed back.
- In
response to a query on Personal Transport Plan, it was suggested
that a lot could be saved through Personal Transport Plans as they
were significantly cheaper. It was
aimed to promote this option to parents by showing them the
- In
response to a query about the fleet, it was not thought that there
were any significant issues with the fleet at this
point. It was being considered as to
whether new routes could be taken by the buses in the
- In
response to a further question about Personal Transport Plans and
the impact on parents, it was explained that the Council had
regular involvement in the parent and carer forum with SEND
children. It was noted that in some
cases the plans worked due to flexibility and choice. However, whilst they often worked for parents who
wanted control over their time, for others it could feel like a
- In
response to further points raised on Personal Transport Plans, it
was clarified that a basic milage rate was provided and there could
be negotiation beyond this around individual
- Information would be sought as to whether the local safety
schemes mentioned in the capital plan would include road safety
schemes around schools.
- In
response to a question regarding the big rise in capital
expenditure on Children’s Services from 2024/25 to 2025/26,
it was explained that this was due to changes in government
That the report be noted.
That comments made by members of this commission be
taken into account by the lead officers.
That the report be brought to Overview Select
Committee prior to Full Council.