The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.
A)Hinckley Road, Western Park car park
Planning Application 20221507
Demolition of Parkfield and club house. Construction of sixteen houses (4 x 2-bedroom; 4 x 3-bedroom; 8 x 4 bedroom) and four flats (4 x 1-bedroom); associated access road, car parking, landscaping and drainage. (S111/S106 agreement) (Amended Plans received 10/08/2023)
As with the previous scheme, the panel agreed that regardless of quality, any form of development in this location would be read as an intervention into the park, causing some erosion of important green space.
The panel felt the proposal would provide a substantial improvement on the previous scheme and were broadly supportive of the proposed layout and number of units. The panel appreciated the stylistic uniqueness of the design. They felt the development would read as distinct from both within the park and the wider residential neighbourhood, allowing it to have its own identity.
There was a discussion about the appropriateness of the material palette, with some members feeling it was monotonous and lacked variation, while others appreciated its simplicity but felt there could be more playfulness. The panel agreed that high quality materials and design flourishes were critical to softening the impact of the proposal when viewed from the park.
The panel were broadly happy with the massing across the site and thought many elements were successful in blending in. However, they had strong concerns about the impact of the proposal on the main approach road into the park. The panel had particular concern about the prominence of the three gable ends, which would address the access road feeling they would be dominant and give the wrong impression when entering the locally listed park. The panel felt this element should be revised and either different buildings placed in these sensitive locations or for the massing to be reduced and or better articulated and screened with additional planting.
B) 48A London Road, The Parcel Yard
Planning and Listed Building Consent Applications 20231214 & 20231215
Demolition of 48 London Road
The panel expressed regret the loss of what they considered to be a fine building but did not consider there were grounds for an objection to the demolition as it has no formal heritage designation.
Some members welcomed the inclusion of the fallback scheme and that this eventuality had been considered.
C) 122-132 Belgrave Gate & 1 Garden Street
Planning Application 20231011
Demolition of existing buildings; construction of a single, four & five storey building (with basement) for a storage unit that is ancillary to the printing workshop at 37 Orchard Street, 2 x retail units (Class E) and 14 flats (9 x 1bed & 5 x 2bed) (Class C3)
The panel agreed the revised design was an improvement over the previously refused application from 2017. However, they had concerns about the loss of 1 Garden Street, which is a locally significant heritage asset and is included in the city’s Register of Local Heritage Assets (LL/369). It is significant as one of the last remaining early 19th century street-fronting slum houses in the city. The panel agreed there was some benefits to the scheme, such as infilling the existing open car park with an industrial storage building designed with a brick frontage to Garden Street. However, they felt that the design of the residential building fronting Belgrave Gate was not exceptional enough to justify the loss of this important local heritage asset. They also highlighted the importance of the location of the site as a key gateway into the city, and expressed a desire to see something which better reflects this setting. The panel felt that a scheme should be explored which retained and repaired the locally listed building. At the very least, members agreed a recording condition should be imposed on any application for demolition.
The panel made no comments on the
4 Lee Street
Planning Application 20230917
Use of ground floor unit as cafe (Class E)
22 Chapel Lane
Planning Application 20231205
Alterations and construction of single and two storey extension at rear and single storey extension at front of house (Class C3)
7 Silver Walk
Planning Application 20231084
Installation of retractable awnings and alterations to front and side of commercial unit (Class E)
3 Berridge Street, Phoenix House
Planning Application 20231217
Installation of replacement windows to front and rear of flats (Class C3)
58 Regent Road (rear of) and 23 Rawson Street
Planning Application 20231175
Variation of condition 5 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 20221451 dated 16/12/2022 to substitute amended plans (to vary the approved floorplans and elevations)
58 Regent Road (rear of) and 23 Rawson Street
Listed Building Consent Application 20231359
Variation of condition 5 (Approved Plans) of listed building consent dated 16/12/2022 to substitute amended plans (to vary the approved floorplans and elevations)
2 Atkinson Street
Planning Application 20231098
Change of use of part of ground floor from auto repair shop (Class B2) to retail shop (Class E); change of use of first and second floor factory and ground floor ancillary office (Class B2) to five self contained flats (4 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed) (all Class C3) with associated management office, bin and cycle storage; construction of 4 dormer extensions with balconies to front; alterations
Main Street, Humberstone Junior Academy
Planning Application 20231260
Installation of replacement windows and doors to school (Class F1)
28 Stoneygate Avenue
Planning Application 20231250
Demolition of single storey store and fire escape stair at rear; construction of single storey detached building to form 2 self-contained flats (2 x 1bed)(Class C3) at rear of mixed use property (house in multiple occupation (7 beds) (Sui Generis) & 1 bed flat )
8 Knighton Road
Planning Application 20231300
Construction of single storey detached outbuilding at rear of house (Class C3)
1 Albion Street, The Terrace
Listed Building Consent Application 20231240
External alterations to grade II listed building
15 Elms Road, Lester Hall Apartments
Planning Application 20231405
Demolition of existing brick pillars; construction of new brick pillars and retention of gates installed at front of care home (Class C2)
Ground Floor Bank, 94a London Road
Planning Application 20231367
Installation of three internally illuminated fascia signs; one internally illuminated projecting sign at front & side of restaurant (Class E)
23-27 Lincoln Street
Planning Application 20230305
Retrospective application for change of use from three houses to 19 self-contained flats (5 x studio, 12 x 1 bed, 2 x 2 bed) (Class C3)
Infirmary Square, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Victoria Building, land at front
Planning Application 20231436
Installation of two 10m high flagpoles to land to front of hospital (Class C2)
6 Salisbury Road
Planning Application 20231195
Demolition of existing single storey outbuilding at rear; construction of two storey house (1x2 bed) (Class C3)
NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 13th September 2023
Meeting Ended – 19:05
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