Council is asked to approve the recommendations set out on pages 123 and 124.
Please note that a full record of the of the discussion is available on the recording of the meeting at Budget Council 19 February 2025 - YouTube at time 1:49:07-2:16:30.
City Mayor seconded by Councillor Cassidy, to move:-
“Council is recommended to:
a. approve the three-year budget strategy described in the report submitted by the Director of Finance;
b. approve the proposed budget and council tax for 2025/26 as described in the report, including the recommendations in the formal budget resolution;
c. approve the budget ceilings for each service shown at Appendix 1 to the report;
d. approve the scheme of virement described in Appendix 2 to the report;
e. approve the use of the £90m capital fund to support the revenue budget strategy (dependent on decisions taken in respect of the capital programme for 2025/26, which is elsewhere on the Council’s agenda);
f. approve the changes to earmarked reserves to support the overall strategy as described in Appendix 5;
g. note the view of the Director of Finance’s on the adequacy of reserves and the estimates used in preparing the budget;
h. note the equality implications arising from the proposed tax increase, as described in paragraph 15 and Appendix 3;
i. note the medium-term financial strategy and forecasts presented at Appendix 4, and the significant financial challenges that lie ahead;
j. in relation to council tax for empty properties:
· Thank those who responded to our consultation, the results of which are described at Appendix 6;
· Note the equality implications arising from a decision to change council tax payable in respect of empty properties, as described at Appendix 6A;
· Change the current policies as described at Appendix 6, specifically to commence charging Council Tax on empty, unfurnished property as soon as it becomes empty; and to apply exemptions introduced by the Government.
k. approve the capital receipts flexibility policy at Appendix 7, to come into force if and when a government direction is received.”
Following the debate, the Lord Mayor put the motion to the vote.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 30(c) of the Council’s Constitution, a recorded vote was taken.
For the motion:
Councillors: Agath, Aldred, Aqbany, Bajaj, Barton, Batool, Bonham, Cassidy, Clarke, Cole, Cutkelvin, Dawood, Dempster, Halford, Kaur Saini, Malik
Mohammed, Moore, Pantling, Pickering, Russell, Singh Johal, Singh-Sangha, Sood, Soulsby (City Mayor), Surti, Waddington, Whittle, Zaman.
Against the motion:
Councillors: Adatia, Barnes, Cank, Chauhan, Dave, Gopal, Haq, Joshi, Karavadra, Kennedy-Lount, Kitterick, Mahesh, Modhwadia, Orton, Osman, Porter, Rae Bhatia, Singh Patel, Westley.
The Lord Mayor declared the motion carried.
Supporting documents: