Agenda item


The Chief Executive submits a report to propose the way forward for Corporate Director posts in the light of vacancies.


The Chief Executive submitted a report which suggested a way forward in the light of the two vacancies for the posts of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture and Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services.  The meeting was informed that Cabinet (minute no. 112 refers) had agreed to merge the current Adult and Community Services and Housing Departments.    The job descriptions for the posts of Corporate Director Regeneration & Culture and Corporate Director Adult and Housing were attached as appendices to the report. 


In relation to the post of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture it was stated that normally a full external recruitment process would take place.   However in the light of the high cost and time consuming nature of external recruitment and the internal pool of talent available it was suggested that an approach using such means as the Council Jobs Bulletin and Internet site might be more appropriate.  In relation to the potential equalities impact of such a decision it was stated that there were risks to the proposed approach.  The Council has a legal duty to comply with race and sex equality legislation.  Within this, the Council could be subjected to claims of direct or indirect discrimination if, for example, it was to use recruitment methods which exclude or disproportionately reduce the numbers of applicants of a particular racial group and which cannot be shown to be justifiable.  It was pointed out that the current pool of Directors within Regeneration & Culture were exclusively white and male and that the pool of service directors within the Council were predominantly white and male.  There were also reputational risks, given the Council's reputation for positively promoting racial equality and it’s formal commitment to Diversity, as set out, for example, in it’s Corporate Plan.  It was noted that a representation had been received from the Indian Workers Group which underlined these risks.  Given the concerns about costs and process, it was suggested that efforts could be made to mitigate such risks by using lower cost 'strapline' type adverts in key publications to alert potential applicants or by mounting a press / media campaign to extend awareness and access opportunities to a wider range of potential applicants.  Adverts could also be placed with other recruitment web sites and agencies such as the East Midlands Regional Local Government Association.


Members suggested that the Internet was becoming the preferred means of applying for jobs and suggested that its use could widen the pool of potential applicants.  It was also felt that this approach could increase the status and profile of the Council's Internet site.  Also, if an internal candidate was successful, a 'knock on' effect of internal promotion opportunities would be created which could have the advantage of increasing diversity within the Council’s management layers.


It was noted that the decision of Cabinet to merge Housing and Adult and Community Services department had the effect of displacing one current corporate director but creating a vacancy.  In terms of the merged department Members suggested that it would be important for the Corporate Director or a deputy to have appropriate social work qualifications.


Councillor Blackmore seconded by Councillor Grant proposed the following motion:

                        "1.       That the two Corporate Director grades, detailed in this report, be combined into a linked grade so as to enable the Council to have flexibility to make new appointments at the appropriate level (normally the minimum).


                        2.         That the job descriptions of the two Corporate Director posts be noted.


                        3.         That the Corporate Director of Regeneration & Culture be advertised with a focus on the Council's internal pool of talent, albeit published externally through the Jobs Bulletin and website, offering the linked Corporate Director grade on the basis that Members will determine the starting point at interview.


                        4.         That the post of Corporate Director of Adult and Housing be the statutory Chief Officer post of the Director of Adult Social Services and the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Lead for Adult and Community Services, ensure any necessary support mechanisms are put in place.


5.         The Corporate Director of Adult and Housing be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Leads for Adult and Community Services and Housing, to designate up to two appropriate Service Directors as having an additional deputy role in support of the Corporate Director as a result of the new departmental arrangements and that the additional responsibility be recognised by way of a 5% salary supplement.  The first of these deputies will be a permanent arrangement for any Service Director who has appropriate social care experience/qualifications, although the need for such experience/qualifications will cease in the event that the Corporate Director has such experience / qualifications.  The second of these posts will be a temporary arrangement for up to one year if the Corporate Director, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Housing, decides there is a need for such a deputy with housing experience/qualifications during the review period to achieve a unified service.


6.         That the equality implications of the process having been fully considered be noted.


7.         That it be noted that Mr M. Forrester will be slotted into the post of Corporate Director Adult and Housing at the appropriate point on the Corporate Directors' linked grade."


The motion was AGREED.



1.          That the two Corporate Director grades, detailed in this report, be combined into a linked grade so as to enable the Council to have flexibility to make new appointments at the appropriate level (normally the minimum).


                        2.         That the job descriptions of the two Corporate Director posts be noted.


                        3.         That the Corporate Director of Regeneration & Culture be advertised with a focus on the Council's internal pool of talent, albeit published externally through the Jobs Bulletin and website, offering the linked Corporate Director grade on the basis that Members will determine the starting point at interview.


                        4.         That the post of Corporate Director of Adult and Housing be the statutory Chief Officer post of the Director of Adult Social Services and the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Lead for Adult and Community Services, ensure any necessary support mechanisms are put in place.


5.         The Corporate Director of Adult and Housing be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Leads for Adult and Community Services and Housing, to designate up to two appropriate Service Directors as having an additional deputy role in support of the Corporate Director as a result of the new departmental arrangements and that the additional responsibility be recognised by way of a 5% salary supplement.  The first of these deputies will be a permanent arrangement for any Service Director who has appropriate social care experience/qualifications, although the need for such experience/qualifications will cease in the event that the Corporate Director has such experience / qualifications.  The second of these posts will be a temporary arrangement for up to one year if the Corporate Director, following consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Housing, decides there is a need for such a deputy with housing experience/qualifications during the review period to achieve a unified service.


6.         That the equality implications of the process having been fully considered be noted.


7.         That it be noted that Mr M. Forrester will be slotted into the post of Corporate Director Adult and Housing at the appropriate point on the Corporate Directors' linked grade.


Supporting documents: