Agenda item


Jayne Linney, Members Support Officer will report the priorities identified at the first meeting and explain the next steps in producing the Ward Action Plan.


The Chair informed the meeting that Priority cards had been circulated at the last meeting and those people present had been asked to select three priorities for inclusion in the Ward Action Plan for the Community Meeting to address.


The Chair explained that the priorities would be discussed in order of priority.


Priority 1 – Public Transport


The Chair explained that the issue of public transport was overwhelmingly the most frequently mentioned issue on the priority cards


The Chair explained the problems regarding the lack of provision of bus services to particular areas of the ward. The Chair also explained that Centrebus had refused to restart the previously ‘re-routed’ Outer Link service. The public present suggested that a meeting be arranged as soon as possible to discuss what the officers had planned to help alleviate the situation. They felt that the meeting should be open to the public and that an invite sent to the bus companies and Mr Vaz MP, although it was stated that the bus companies might decline to attend a public meeting and that Mr Vaz’s schedule may also not allow him to attend. The Community Meeting was advised that the Forum for Older People had previously invited representatives of the bus companies to attend their meeting but they had declined.


The Chair agreed that Mr Vaz MP might have difficulty attending such a meeting but agreed to inform him of the issues. The Chair also confirmed that the Bus company representatives were unlikely to attend but felt it necessary to invite them to explain their point of view.


Priority 2 – Traffic Lights


The Chair informed the meeting that the Regeneration and Culture Department had been informed of the issues in the Ward and would be checking these out and report back in 2009 with a response.


Priority 3 – Road markings


A member of the public commented that the residents had been waiting for a level crossing outside the school for over a year. Leicester City Council had been informed but advised that they could not do anything at the present time as the road had not been adopted. The Chair advised that she would investigate further and request a response.


Priority 4 – Anti-Social behaviour


A representative of the Police advised that not enough information had been passed to them regarding this matter. The Anti- Social Behaviour unit and the Police would be working together to address this issue and make it easier and safer for the general public to report. The representative of the Police advised communication between the residents and the Police could be improved.

Residents voiced opinions that the anti-social behaviour stemmed from the lack of provision of amenities for children and teenagers in the area. They agreed that even though the Police could help with short-term solutions, it was the council’s responsibility to implement the provision of facilities.


The Chair agreed to try and arrange a resident’s consultation meeting on the matter.



                        that the actions proposed be noted.