Agenda item


Jayne Linney, Members Support Officer will provide an update on the Community Meeting Budget.


The Members Support Officer introduced the budget and presented the following applications.  It was suggested that each bid be formally received and considered by Councillor Potter, and that views on all bids be sought from Councillors Mugglestone and Shah prior to consideration by the Cabinet.


1.            Humberstone, Hamilton and Netherhall Community Transport Project

            The Members Support Officer explained that the bid submitted by the at the meeting on 7 October 2008  had since been withdrawn  and had been replaced by a new bid for £5,000 from the Netherhall CREW to address the loss of public transport in the area.  The proposal was aimed towards all elderly and disabled residents who live in the parts of the ward with inadequate public transport. 


The Members Support Officer stated that he had already consulted Councillors Mugglestone and Shah who had both expressed support towards the bid.  Councillor Potter also stated that she supported this application.  



            That the proposal for £5,000 from the Ward Action Plan be supported.


2.         Youth Consultation and Engagement 

            The meeting heard that this bid from Netherhall CREW was for the sum of £1,000 to carry out a price of research in an             attempt to clarify the needs of young people aged 13-19 in the Netherhall, Humberstone and Hamilton areas of the ward. It was reported that anti-social behaviour had been identified as a ward priority, and consequently this bid was for money from the Ward Action Plan budget. 


            It was recommended that further discussions with the youth service             took place prior to the bid being submitted to Members.



                                    that further discussions with the youth service took place                           prior to the bid being submitted to Members


3.         Senior Citizens Residential

            The Members Support Officer outlined this bid and explained that the bid from the Netherhall Travel and Social Committee             for £508 to provide transport and carers to enable elderly people an opportunity to participate in a residential visit.  The applicant agreed to reduce the bid by £9 in order for it to be processed through urgency procedures.



                                    That subject to consideration by Councillors Shah and Mugglestone, a revised proposal of £499 from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund be supported, and that it be processed through the urgency procedures.


4.            Securing Field Access (Sapphire Way/Bryony Close)

            It was explained that this bid from Michael Suffolk for £1,590 was for a combination of three barriers to defer unauthorised entry to the field.


The Members Support Officer agreed to pursue alternative sources of funding.  Councillor Potter agreed to support the application in principle if alternative funding within the current financial year was not possible.



                                    That the applicant meets with the ward councillors to                                     provide additional information in connection with the                                               application and to discuss ways funding it.


5.         Hope Hamilton Church (3 applications)

In addition to the bid which had been submitted to the meeting, the applicant explained that there were two further bids.              The three bids from Hope Hamilton Church were as follows:


a)            £2,000 for materials for young people’s drop-in sessions at ‘the


b)            £1,266 to provide laptops for internet use at ‘the unit’

c)            £530 towards a security system for the building



                        That subject to consideration by Councillors Shah and                  Mugglestone, a sum of £700 be supported for proposal                   (a) and that (b) and (c) be supported as above


6.         Craft activity group

            The Members Support Officer reported that the ‘Have a Go’ crew had             submitted an additional bid for £350 to fund a craft activity for a group of elderly women.



                                    That subject to consideration by Councillors Shah and                                Mugglestone, the above proposal be supported.