Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in the budget applications, and/or declare that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, will give an update on the current position with the budgets, and will introduce applications received for the meeting to consider.


The following applications have been received:


1)     Aylestone Park Residents’ Group St Mary’s sub-committee – Updated ecological survey

2)     Police & Community Support Group – 100% Best Attendance

3)     Saffron Arts Forum – Carnival Procession

4)     Saffron Fete Committee / Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd – Saffron Fete – various items

5)     Kingfisher Youth Centre  - Kingfisher clear-up

6)     Saffron Young People’s Project – Youth Street Crime Awareness Project

7)     Saffron Fete Committee / Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd – Additional stewards etc

8)     Welford Road Local Policing Unit – Delivering Service Excellence Award scheme


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer introduced applications for funding from the Community Meeting budgets.


With regard to the bids for the Saffron Fete, Jerry explained that the ward was recommended to support the contribution of 70% of the cost, as the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting had agreed to support funding of 30%.


An additional bid was presented at the meeting for environmental improvements. This was also considered by the meeting. Consideration of a further bid from the Ministry of Food was postponed in order to obtain further information.


The meeting agreed to support the bids as follows:


1)     Aylestone Park Residents’ Group – funding for updated ecological survey

To establish biodiversity changes to the site of St Mary’s with a view to comparing results with those of a previous survey undertaken several years ago.

AGREED: £350 to be funded from the Ward Community Fund.


2)     Police & Community Support Group – “100% Best Attendance”

To encourage school attendance by awarding a trip to the Odeon Cinema

AGREED: £350 to be funded from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


3)     Saffron Arts Forum – Carnival Procession

For policing and professional traffic management to ensure safety and that the procession runs according to law, as last year’s procession was larger than expected.

AGREED: £2,000 to be funded from the Ward Community Fund.


4)     Saffron Fete Committee/Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd

Fairground ride, additional insurance & professional stewards

AGREED: 70% of the total cost of £1700, to be funded from the Ward Community Cohesion fund.


5)     Kingfisher Youth Centre – Kingfisher Clear-Up

To engage with local young people and partners and to clear the areas that is to be developed as an FA pitch.

AGREED: £400 to be funded from the Ward Action Plan Budget.


6)     Saffron Young People’s Project – Youth Street Crime Awareness Project

To develop a musical in the community.

AGREED: £2,500 contribution towards the £2950, to be funded from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


7)     Saffron Fete Committee/Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd

Various items including first aid, van and equipment hire, mobile toilets, administration and advertising

AGREED: 70% of the total cost of £1400, to be funded from the Ward Community fund.


8)     Welford Road Local Policing Unit – “Delivering Service Excellence”

Award scheme – a monthly award of a £20 voucher to anyone who works with or for the Welford Road Local Policing Unit and its area.

AGREED: £50.00 to be funded from the Ward Action Plan budget.


9)     Environmental Improvements

To carry out works identified by the Environment Team and City Warden to deal flexibly with issues that arise such as graffiti, littering, fly tipping, installation of bins.

Councillor Shelton asked that issues at St Mary’s Allotments be addressed by this fund.

AGREED: £1700 to be funded from the Ward Action plan budget, and that part of it should be used towards addressing issues at St Mary’s Allotments.

Supporting documents: