Agenda item


Councillor Dempster submits a report that details the direction of travel for the capital strategy for the development of Integrated Services Hubs across each of the eight neighbourhoods within the City and lists the preferred locations of the hubs in each neighbourhood.  Cabinet is asked to approve the recommendations set out in Paragraph 3 of the report.


A minute extract from the meeting of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee held on 3 November 2009, will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Dempster submitted a report that detailed the direction of travel for the capital strategy for the development of Integrated Service Hubs and listed the preferred locations for the Hubs. 


Councillor Dempster stated that the funding of the Hubs would be possible through a successful bid to the Government’s co-location fund of £3.2m, allocation of £1.265m from the extended services capital grant and allocation of £0.685m from the BSF capital fund.  A report was being brought at this stage in order to fit in with BSF timescales.  It was noted that details of the criteria used to define the proposed location were given in the report and that a full options appraisal would be undertaken for the three sites being considered in the south of the City and any further ones suggested. 


It was noted that the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee had considered the report at its meeting on 3 November 2009 and had noted the report.



1        In view of the time constraints placed on the authority by the conditions of the co-location fund, Cabinet is recommended to:


2        Agree the preferred options for each locality listed below, and allow further detailed feasibility study and costing work to be undertaken and receive a further report outlining this work and a detailed revenue strategy to support the capital developments in early 2010:


·        Central Hub: Moat Community College

Interim hub/Spoke: Mayfield Family Centre


·        East Hub:  Crown Hills


·        North Hub/Spokes: St Marks Youth Centre

 Rushey Mead


·        North East Hub:Hamilton Community College

Spokes: Northfields Youth Centre/

Armadale Youth Centre


·        North West Hub:Babington Community College

Spoke: sites to be determined


·        SouthOptions appraisal to be completed – 3 sites being considered as hub and spoke sites:



Magpie Youth centres


·        South West Hub:Fullhurst

Spoke: Braunstone Grove

& Watershed youth centre


·        West Hub: New Parks Youth Centre on New
College site

Spoke:Fosse Neighbourhood Centre/ Woodgate Adventure playground currently being explored.


3.Confirm the urgent action of the Director –Learning Environment, taken in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Schools, to accept the offer of £3,210,000 co-location grant funding;


4Approve the use of the £1,265,000 Extended Services Capital Funding as included in Block C of the CYPS Capital Programme approved by Council on the 26th March 2009 and £685,000 BSF capital to co-fund the 13-19 ISH programme.


5 To approve the principle that the allocation of funding across each of the neighbourhoods will be based upon the development needs of the ISH in each neighbourhood, (the combined funding streams will provide a total sum of £5,160,000 this provides an average of £645,000 per neighbourhood. However, it is likely that the distribution of funding will be based upon the level of development required across all the neighbourhoods. Once the locations of the hubs have been agreed, costings will need to be obtained and allocations from the total funds available made accordingly).


6.      Approve the early release of £100,000 out of the £1,265,000 extended services capital funding towards the cost of developing an ISH within the Children’s Centre at Mayfield to enable the scheme to be progressed.

Supporting documents: