Agenda item


Following the presentation at the last meeting and the issues raised, details will be provided to the meeting about plans to address the issues.


15 minutes has been allocated for the above item.


Ravi Mohankumar, Acting Team Leader, Traffic Impact outlined details of progress and actions taken in response to the issues raised at the previous meeting.


Overhanging Vegetation on Bennion Road

Ravi stated that letters had been written to owners of properties where this was an issue and that Council staff from Property Services would definitely be taking action on land that they had control over.


Roundabout at Bennion Road / Heatherbrook Road

With regard to the comment about this roundabout being dangerous, Ravi commented that a study on traffic calming in that area was being undertaken and its findings would be reported to Councillors for a decision. Changes to the roundabout could be included in this study.


A resident felt that the roundabout itself wasn’t the problem, but the speed and style of driving by the public was the main issue. He felt that there was a particular problem in the morning and with taxi drivers. In response Ravi stated that a speed survey would be undertaken on Bennion Road, this would be ongoing 24 hours a day, for 7 days.


The Chair asked if the Police could look into exploring this issue with the resident to see if patrols could take place at times when there were particular problems. PC Martin Birch agreed to look into this and if the survey showed particular problems, the traffic camera van could be utilised.


Ashton Green

With regard to extra traffic arising from the development at Ashton Green, Ravi said that transport officers were waiting for more details before the traffic impact issues could be assessed.


On the wider issue of the Ashton Green development, the Chair said that a ‘visioning’ exercise was currently being undertaken. This meant, plans were being made for what could go where, including road layouts. When these were finalised there would be large amounts of consultation, to get the views of the public.


Chicanes on Bennion Road

Ravi commented that he was unaware of proposals for traffic calming on Bennion Road. Further details would be sought with regard to the landscaping ‘bund’ (mounds of land which often had trees and shrubs planted on them) which had been introduced.


Satisfaction with Bus Services

Ravi pointed out that the latest Mori survey for the Audit Commission showed a 74% satisfaction rate. The Council continues to raise issues with bus companies, but as they are a commercial organisation decisions about routes, timetables and fares a determined by the operator.


Gypsy Camping off Bennion Road

Ravi noted that landscaping bunds were being introduced along Bennion Road. He also noted that a new multi agency group based at County Hall were able to take swift action in relation to illegal gypsy encampments throughout Leicestershire. Councillor Westley noted that with the most recent encampment there were particular issues with one family. Due to compassionate grounds it wasn’t possible to move them on as quickly as was hoped for. He further commented that there were no permanent stopping sites in the city and he felt that this was what was needed to address the problem properly.


Heacham Road Bridge Maintenance

An inspection of the Bridges was undertaken in 2008 and it found no critical safety issues. It was noted that there were elements which required painting. The Chair said that she would be raising this issue with the Cabinet Lead Member for Regeneration and Transport, as she felt that the poor condition of the bridges was bringing the area down.


Further issues

A resident raised specific concerns about a path near Tesco. It was felt that this would be dangerous through the winter, as it had degraded substantially.




Officer Identified


Speed survey on Bennion Road near roundabout with Heatherbrook Road

Ravi Mohankumar

December 2009

Monitor driving around roundabout at Bennion Road / Heatherbrook Road if issues are identified following speed survey


December 2009

Raise issue of maintenance of Heacham Road bridges with Cabinet Lead Member for Regeneration and Transport

Councillor Dempster

December 2009