Agenda item


Officers from the Regeneration, Transport and Highways Division will be present to discuss traffic and highways issues in the area. 


Andy Thomas, Head of City Development, was present to lead a discussion on traffic and highways issues in the area. 


In connection with the proposed residents parking scheme for South Highfields, Andy stated that there was clear community need for a scheme, following consultation with local residents.  Officers were currently looking at an appropriate design for the scheme that would meet the parking needs of residents.  An Elected Member raised concerns that many local residents that he had met had indicated that they did not support the introduction of a resident’s parking scheme.  In response, Andy explained that the views of the wider community were respected, but that a decision to progress with a scheme is taken according to the majority of views of local people, and that in this area, the majority of people had pledged support to the scheme.  He re-iterated that officers were designing a scheme that would hopefully work for all residents, but that the process for doing so was yet to be finalised.  Andy also reminded the meeting that once the design of the scheme had been finalised, it would be subject to a six-week consultation period, which could potentially allow objectors to alter the outcome. 


In respect of traffic issues on Gwendolen Road, Andy explained that his team of officers would be looking at the best use of the road for all road users.  He acknowledged that commuters who worked at the General Hospital often parked on pavements, and that this was a disruption for pedestrians.  He stated that he would ask the local constabulary to look at enforcing such offences under the Highways Act.  Andy reported that Gwendolen Road also experienced the problem of residents parking at bus stops, and stated that the zig-zagged lines situated around bus stops would be removed as they often encouraged people to park in them.


A Member of the Public reported that they had witnessed several incidents of dangerous driving in recent weeks, particularly on Evington Valley Road.  Andy stated that the introduction of one-way systems can often lead to roads becoming ‘rat-runs’, and that it was vital that all one-way systems were appropriately managed.  He added that the City Council had launched several initiatives that encouraged safer driving.  Both officers and members of the public agreed that the design of roads was the key to ensuring safer driving, and that it was far more difficult to alter the behaviour of drivers.


A Member of the Public was of the view that the lay-out of St Saviours Road was dangerous as it presented no deterrence to drivers in terms of driving dangerously.  Andy agreed to take a look at St Saviours Road to see assess whether any measures could be implemented to help to alleviate this problem. 


Another Member of the Public stated that there had been several accidents on the junction of Bradbourne Road and East Park Road, and believed that Councillors had previously investigated the possibility of installing a speed ramp close to the junction.  Andy agreed to provide a written update on the matter to the Member of the Public concerned.  


A discussion took place around the possibility of converting Gwendolen Road to a one-way system.  Several Members of the Public were of the view that the introduction of a one-way system would be beneficial.  An Elected Member asked what alternative methods to a one-way system could be implemented to make the road safer.  Andy replied by stating that he could commission a highways engineer to look at such alternative methods.  He also stated that any change to the road design would need to allow emergency service vehicles to continue to use the road quickly and safely. 


A resident expressed concern in relation to difficulties in crossing Stavely Road, particularly for elderly pedestrians, and that a significant number of vehicles park on the pavements which cause additional difficulties to those crossing the road.  Andy shared the concerns of the resident, particularly in terms of the vehicles that had parked on the pavements.  He reported that one method to help to alleviate the problem could be a greater police presence in the area, but also agreed to investigate the situation.


Another concern raised was in connection with difficulties parking on busy residential streets after 6pm.  It was also suggested that some areas with parking restrictions were not being enforced.  Andy agreed to ensure that all parking restriction areas were enforced.