Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Jerry Connolly, the Member Support Officer to the Community Meeting will give an update on the Community Meeting budget. Jerry will also present the following budget applications:



·        YMCA, YMCA Youth Enterprise - £1,400                                 Appendix B1

·        Mrs Angela Dore – Montrose School, Gardening in the School Grounds

 - £600                                                                                          Appendix B2


·        Welford Road LPU, Delivering Service Excellence – £50     Appendix B3


·        Councillor Nigel Porter, Security Alarms - £500                      Appendix B4


·        Police & Community Support Group, 100% Best Attendance - £300

Appendix B5


·        St Andrews FC, Funding Floodlights upgrade/repair - £1,000             

Appendix B6


·        Parks Services Area Four and supported by Friends of Aylestone Hall, Aylestone Hall Gardens Tennis Court Fencing - £500     Appendix B7


·        St Andrews Football Club, Aylestone Summer Soccer Scheme - £1,250                                                                                             Appendix B8


·        Groundwork Leicester/L’shire, Gilmorton Community Orchard - Involving young people in construction of kissing gate - £1,000      Appendix B9


·        Groundwork Leicester/L’shire, Gilmorton Community Orchard – creative interpretation involving young people - £1,000               Appendix B10


·        Parks Services, Addressing public requests for bins on Aylestone Meadows - £2,683                                                          Appendix B11


·        Parks Services, Cleaning the brooks and streams of litter and flotsam

- £1,300                                                                                        Appendix B12


·        Parks Services, Support of volunteer workers on Aylestone Meadows LNR - £3,388                                                                                     Appendix B13



·        Parks Services, Volunteering support for community working - £776

Appendix B14


·        Spirit of Aylestone Community Group, Carols in the Park 2009 - £559.94

Appendix B15


·        Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society, Disabled Toilets for Allotment users - £2,400                                                 Appendix B16








Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer to the Aylestone Community Meeting presented an update on the budget.


Jerry explained that the following funding applications, B1 to B8 had already been considered and supported by either Councillor Mrs Chambers or Councillor Porter, or both. The procedure rules allowed for Ward Councillors to approve funding applications up to a value of £500 in between meetings, on the grounds of urgency. These applications were brought to the Community Meeting for information purposes.


B1 YMCA Youth Enterprise had requested £1,000 from the Community Fund, for a community event in the grounds of the YMCA, Belvoir Drive to be held during the Easter holiday 2009.


Two separate bids of £500, making a total of £1,000 in respect of the above application had been supported.


B2 Mrs Angela Doore, Environment Group Leader, Montrose School had requested £600 from the Community Fund, for gardening in the school grounds.


The funding application to the value of £500 had been supported.


B3 Welford Road Local Policing Unit had requested £50 from the Ward Action Plan, for Delivering Service Excellence Monthly Awards.


The funding application to the value of £50 had been supported.


B4 Councillor Nigel Porter had requested £500 from the Community Fund for security alarms which could be issued to domestic and club premises.


Councillor Mrs Chambers had supported the funding bid to the value of £500. Councillor Porter had declared a personal and prejudicial interest on this application as he had helped to submit the bid.


B5 The Police and Community Support Group had requested £300 from the Community Fund, for a 100% Best Attendance Project.


The funding application to the value of £300 had been supported.


B6 St Andrews Football Club had requested £1000 from the Community Fund, for an upgrade to floodlights and for repair costs to a damaged security door following a break in.


Councillor Mrs Chambers had supported the funding application to the value of £500.

Councillor Porter had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application.


B7 Parks Services supported by the Friends of Aylestone Hall had requested £500 from the Community Fund, towards the cost of replacing the current chain link type fencing that surrounded the tennis courts at Aylestone Hall Gardens.


The funding application to the value of £500 had been supported.


Councillor Porter having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following two funding bids left the room for the consideration of the budget applications.


B8 Darren Creed, Football Coach, St Andrews Football Club had requested £1250 from the Community Fund for the Aylestone Summer Soccer Scheme at St Andrews Football Club.


Jerry explained that £500 of the bid had already been supported on the grounds of urgency and the balance of £750 was brought to the Community Meeting for further consideration.



that a further payment to the value of £750 in respect of the funding application, be supported.



B17 Jerry Connolly explained that this funding application had not been attached to the agenda, but copies had been distributed at the start of the meeting.


Darren Creed, Football Coach, St Andrews Football Club had requested £1500 for a soccer scheme for 2010.



that the funding application to the value of £1500 be supported.


Councillor Porter returned to the meeting.


B9 Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire had submitted a funding application for £1000 from the Community Cohesion Fund, for the Gilmorton Avenue Community Orchard. This was for the involvement of young people in the construction of the Kissing Gate entrance.



that the funding application to the value of £1000 be supported.


B10 Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire had submitted a further funding application for £1000 from the Community Cohesion Fund for the Gilmorton Avenue Community Orchard. This was for creative interpretation involving young people.



that the funding application to the value of £1000 be supported.


B11  - B14 Leicester City Council, Parks Services, Riverside Team had submitted four funding applications for different projects.


Members of the public expressed concern that services within the City Council  were requesting money from the Community Meeting to fund items that they might provide anyway. Adrian Lane from the Parks Service explained that funding had been requested for projects that were over and above those that the Parks Service could provide.


Residents indicated that they would like to defer the funding applications for the time being, for enquires to be made as to whether they could be funded by the Council, or failing that if cheaper alternatives could be provided.



                        that the funding applications be DEFERRED


B15 The Spirit of Aylestone Community Group had submitted a funding application for £559.94 from the Community Fund for Carols in the Park 2009.



that it be agreed that the funding application to the value of £559.94 be supported.


B16 The Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society had submitted a funding application for £2,400 from the Ward Action Plan budget for disabled toilets for allotment users.



that the funding application to the value of £2,400 be supported.





Officer Identified


The budget applications for the bids, that the Members had agreed to support, be submitted to the Cabinet Lead for approval.

Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer 




As soon as possible





Supporting documents: