Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer will give the meeting on the current position with the Community Meeting Budgets.


The following budget requests will be considered by the meeting:-


B1) Senior Community Society – request for £1175 for supporting a celebration for Guru Nanak’s birthday.


B2) Mowmacre Event Planning Partnership – request for £2586 for supporting a bonfire party.


Steve Letten, Members’ Support Officer presented the Community Meeting Budget.and introduced three applications for funding:


B1 – Senior Community Society: Guru Nanak’s Birthday Celebration Event


Steve explained that the application was retrospective for an event that had already taken place on 22nd October.  It was stated that retrospective applications were not usually considered but due to circumstances concerning the timing of the event and the fact that a previous application for a different event had been mislaid, Members had agreed to consider this application even though the event had already taken place.


Gurmal Singh, the event co-ordinator, explained the application was for £1175 for fireworks and food for the event, which was held on 22 October 2009 at the Holy Bones Centre.  Gurmal stated that the event was well attended and enjoyed by a cross-section of the community. Members of the public heard that the event was a multicultural rather than a religious event.



that the funding application for Guru Nanak’s Birthday Celebration be supported to the value of £1175.


Mr Singh was advised that if he wished to apply for funding for a similar event next year, he should submit it in plenty of time, for example in Spring 2010.


B2 – Mowmacre Community Bonfire and Firework Event.


Councillor Marriott, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the room for the consideration of this item.


Steve explained that the application was another retrospective application for a fireworks display that was held on 5 November 2009. The event was organised by the Mowmacre Planning Partnership and the Outdoor Adventure Playground and £2586 had been requested to finance the event.


Steve stated that the application had been received too late for consideration before the event.


Councillor Byrne stated the event was well attended by over 500 people.


A resident questioned whether there had been any health and safety problems at the event and Councillor Byrne replied that there had been no concerns.  A resident commented that there had been fewer fireworks generally in the area this year around November, which was possible as a result of the fireworks event.



that the funding application for the Mowmacre Community Bonfire and Firework Event be supported to the value of £2586


The organisers were advised that if they wished to apply for funding for a similar event next year, they should submit their application in plenty of time.


Councillor Marriott returned to the meeting.


B3 – Community Boxing Club


Steve introduced a funding application for a Community Boxing Club that had been submitted by the North West Unity Boxing Club. Steve explained that the Boxing Club had received £600 from the Beaumont Leys Community Fund and was now applying for funds from the Abbey Ward.  Residents heard that this was because the club was currently based at the Home Farm Community Centre and was attended by residents of both wards.


The application was for £1600 for the purchase of a collapsible boxing ring that could be moved to other premises should the club need to relocate.  Ajmal Butt – Boxing Instructor was fully trained and the facility would be accessible to children and adults, both male and female.


The Chair commented that the club would help to take children off the streets and reduce anti-social behaviour in the area.



that the application for the Community Boxing Club, to the value of £1600 be supported.


Steve explained that the funding bids that the Councillors had supported, would be sent to the Cabinet Leads for final approval.


Steve explained that there was approximately £12000 left in the Community Meeting Budget and residents were asked to contact him, if they were aware of any community projects that would benefit from funding.


Councillor Byrne explained that a Coffee Morning was being planned where the Police and an organisation called Staysafe would be present to give advice to members of the public on making their homes secure. It was suggested that money from the budget should be set aside to help fund event and provide some equipment to help residents improve home security.



that it be agreed that some of the uncommitted funds be allocated to finance this event.

Supporting documents: