Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer, will give a brief update on the current budget position.


The meeting will consider the following budget application:


B1) Heathley Park Annual Gathering – funding for community social event at a cost of £430.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer gave a brief introduction, outlining the budget. situation.


At this point, Councillors had a short recess of the meeting to discuss the budget applications as a number had been received


Following the recess the following was agreed.


Heathley Park Annual Gathering – a bid for funding a community social event at a cost of £430.



that the application be supported and £430 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Christ the King Church – a bid for funding a multi cultural musical evening at a cost of £250.



that the application be supported and £250 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Access Path – Astill Lodge – a bid for funding an access path from Stone Close to Astill Lodge Park at a cost of £642.



that the application be supported and £642 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Leads for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Domestic Violence Awareness – a bid for funding to improve awareness of Domestic Violence Services at a cost of £798.



that the application be supported and £798 be allocated from the Community Cohesion Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods; and Finance, Community Cohesion and Human Resources and the Leader of the Council.


Beaumont Leys Flying Club – a bid for funding for storage for the planes and for four out of school trips at a cost of £2070.



that the application be supported and £2070 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


North West Unity Club – a bid for funding towards room hire for the boxing club at a cost of £2000.



that the application be supported and £2000 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Tuesday Friends Group for the GAP Project – a bid for funding towards a day trip to Drayton Manor Park & Zoo for teenage parents at a cost of £500.


Tuesday Friends Project – a bid for funding towards a day trip to Drayton Manor Park & Zoo for Kirton Lodge residents who are fleeing domestic violence. This would cost £500.


Tuesday Friends Project  - a bid for funding towards a day trip to Skegness for people with disabilities and mental health problems at a cost of £500.



that the above 3 applications be approved in principle, but deferred, subject to officers undertaking further discussions with the applicant about aligning the applications with the priorities in the Ward Action Plan.


Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – a bid for funding towards educational equipment for centre users at a cost of £750.



that the application be supported and £750 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Motorcycle Barriers – a bid for funding the cost of providing barriers along the black pad to prevent motorcycle nuisance, at a cost of £2400.



that the application be supported and £2400 be allocated from the Community Cohesion Fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods; and Finance, Community Cohesion and Human Resources and the Leader of the Council.


Leicestershire Police in conjunction with MASH UP – a bid to provide youth activities, provided by the MASH UP organisation at different venues and for different age groups. This would cost £2000.



(1)that the bid be supported and any remaining funds from the 2009/10 budget be allocated (£650) to the project from the Ward Action Plan fund, subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council; and


(2)that the remainder of the bid be funded from the 2010/11 Community Meeting Budget, Ward Action Plan fund.


The Chair commented that not all of these bids would be paid immediately and on that basis it would not be possible to fund them all.


A resident enquired whether a budget would still be provided in the following financial year. The Chair confirmed that there would still be a budget of the same amount as the current year.

Supporting documents: