Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, will provide an update on the Ward Community Meeting Budget. 


The following applications have been received:


B1 – Community Cultural Awareness – application for £1,250 from the Centre for Research and Development for the Somali Community.


B2 – Igniting Hip-Hop – application for £1,000 from 2Funcky Arts Ltd


B3 – Sensational Vibes Youth Group – request for £250 from Kamala Smyle- Wisdom.


B4 – Youth-Tide Christmas Party – request for £866 from Gavan Wilmot


B5 – Community Fund Basketball Sessions – request for £1,345 from Karl Brown.


B6 – Football in the City Project – request for £1,350 from Inner City Club Football


B7 – Lets Connect – request for £4,426 by Somali Youth Organisation


B8 – Space for Young People – request for £3,300 by Somali Parents Association.


B9 – Eid Celebration – request for £750 from Sunni Muslim Katchi Association


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, stated that the following applications had been received: 


B1)        Community Cultural Awareness – request for £1,250 from the Centre             for Research and Development for the Somali Community

To pay for four sessions on cultural awareness of different religious groups.


AGREED: that the application be deferred to allow additional information to be gained.


B2)           Igniting Hip Hop – request for £1,000 from 2Funcky Arts Ltd

            To pay for a contribution towards an after-school hip-hop theatre project at Moat Community College.


            AGREED:  that £750 be awarded from the Ward Community Fund.


B3)              Sensational Vibes Youth Group – request for £250 from Kamala             Smyle- Wisdom.

            To retrospectively pay for fabric and materials, room hire, dance             instructor, lorry hire, a generator and a DJ.


AGREED:  that the application be refused in light of the request for retrospective funding.


B4)      Youth-Tide Christmas Party – request for £866 from Gavan Wilmot

            To pay for dining and performances for up to 20 elderly residents,             hosted by young people.


            AGREED:     that £500 be awarded from the Community Cohesion                                           Fund.


B5)      Community Fund Basketball Sessions – request for £1,345 from Karl     Brown.

            To pay for equipment, t-shirts, publicity and tuition.


            AGREED:     that the application be deferred to allow additional                                           information to be gained.


B6    Football in the City Project – request for £1,350 from Inner City Club             Football

            To pay for the facilities used for training purposes.


            AGREED:     that £1,000 be awarded from the Ward Community Fund.


B7        Lets Connect – request for £4,426 by Somali Youth Organisation

            To pay for a project to enable social integration between young people             from different cultures and social backgrounds.



            AGREED:     that the application be deferred to allow additional                                           information to be gained.


B8        Space for Young People – request for £3,300 by Somali Parents             Association.

            To pay for room hire, the purchasing of equipment and materials,             refreshments, publicity and stationary.


            AGREED:     that £1,000 be awarded from the Ward Community                                         Cohesion Fund.


B9        Eid Celebration – request for £750 from Sunni Muslim Katchi             Association

            To pay towards venue, publicity and catering costs


            AGREED:     that £750 be awarded from the Community Cohesion                                           Fund.

Supporting documents: