Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer officer will give a brief update on the current budget position.


The meeting will consider the following budget applications:-


B1)            Friends of Castle Hill Country Park – Proposal for improvements to Castle Hill Country Park at a cost of £1211.


B2)            Babington Flying Club – Proposal to set up a radio controlled model flying club at Babington Community College at a cost of £975.52.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer gave the meeting an update on the current position with the budget. There was £14,292 remaining in all three budgets at beginning of the meeting.


The following budget applications were considered.


Beaumont Leys Flying Club – a proposal to set up a radio controlled model flying club at Babington Community College at a cost of £975.52.


Tony Edwards from the Club explained to the meeting that the he had some very touching experiences with the young people at the school, where it was clear that involving them in something like this, there were able to overcome barriers of race and religion. The Chair welcomed the fact that this project was making a difference.



that the application be supported and £975.52 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Friends of Castle Hill Country Park – a proposal for improvements to Castle Hill Country Park at a cost of £1211.


Troy Laver from the Friends group outlined details of the proposals, which included new benches, ‘V’ gates, bridges, tree & bulb planting and the purchase of a cordless drill.



that the application be supported and £1211 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – a proposal for a Christmas disco for children and young people at a cost of £500.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Evergreens Club – a proposal for a Christmas lunch and coach hire at a cost of £500.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – a proposal for brush seals to provide noise elimination at the Neighbourhood Centre, at a cost of £434.70.



that the application be supported and £434.70 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


North West Unity Boxing Club – a proposal for insurance cover for the boxing club at a cost of £650.


Steve Letten suggested that quotes for the insurance be sought, before this application was approved. Councillors however felt that even if the insurance was less than the amount applied for, it was a worthwhile project which could make use of any extra money.



that the application be supported and £650 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


Funding Left Available

Steve Letten informed the meeting that there was approximately £10,000 left over the three budget areas.


The Chair said that more applications for the remaining money were welcome as the next meeting would be the last chance for spending the money prior to the end of the financial year. She advised people to get their applications in early to allow officers to give them full consideration.

Supporting documents: