Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


·        Community Cultural Awareness, Centre for Research and   Development for the Somali Community £1, 250               Appendix B1


·        Warriors Basketball £1,345                                Appendix B2


·        Lets Connect – Somali Youth Organisation £4,426     Appendix B3


·        Three times thirty £975                               Appendix B4


·        Variety Show – Active Youth £1,000                     Appendix B5


·        New dog waste bins on St Peters Estate £1,019         Appendix B6


·        Youth and Sports Programme      £2,551               Appendix B7

-         Hashi Somali Community Centre


·        Youth and Sports Programme £2,408               Appendix B8

-         St Matthew’s and Highfields Community Point


·        SPARKS      £2,199                                 Appendix B9


·        Melbourne Road Pavement £250                   No Appendix


 Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, stated that the following applications had been received.  He also explained that the Councillors had met prior to the meeting to indicate their views on each application.


B1)              Community Cultural Event – request for £1,250 from the Centre for             Research and Development for the Somali Community.

            To pay for sessions on awareness of particular communities including             Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity


            AGREED:     that this application be rejected.


B2)      Community Fund Basketball Sessions – request for £1,345 from Karl     Brown.

            To pay for equipment, t-shirts, publicity and tuition.


            AGREED:     that a sum of £775 be awarded from the Ward                                                   Action Plan Fund.


B3)      Let’s Connect – request for £4,426 from the Somali Youth Organisation

            To pay for social integration sessions between young people from             different cultural backgrounds.


AGREED:that a sum of £1,500 be awarded from the Community Fund, but that this be only used towards room hire and sports hall hire costs.


B4)      Three Times Thirty– request for £875 from Farzana Potter..

            To pay for venue hire and tutorial costs aimed at encouraging women to take up regular physical activities to promote, stimulate and develop better health. 


            AGREED:     that this application be rejected. 


B5)            Variety Show – request for £1,000 from Active Youth

            To pay for venue hire, casual staffing costs, refreshments and publicity             for a young people’s event to bring together different communities. 


            It was noted by Members that this event had already happened but felt       that it was a worthwhile project.


AGREED:that a sum of £500 be awarded from the Ward Community Fund.


B6)      New Dog Waste Bins in St Peters – request for £1,090 from the St Peters Tenants and Residents Association

            To pay for the installation of 3 dog bins on the St Peters Estate. 


            AGREED:     that a sum of £1,090 be awarded from the Ward                                            Action Plan Fund.


B7)      Youth and Sports Programme – request for £2,551 form the Hashi             Somali Community Centre

            To pay for sports hall hire, sports equipment and coaching fees.


            AGREED:     that a sum of £1,000 be awarded from the Ward                                            Action Plan Fund.


B8)      Youth and Sports Programme – request for £2,408 from the St Matthew’s and Highfields Community Point

To pay for To pay for sports hall hire, sports equipment and coaching             fees.


AGREED:     That the application be rejected in light of it duplicating                             application B7. 

B9)            Project Playground – request for £2,199 from SPARKS – Friends of Sparkenhoe

To provide a variety of age appropriate extensive play equipment in the       school playground.


AGREED:     That a sum of £2,000 be awarded from the                                                       Ward Action Plan Fund.


The Chair also stated that a sum of £250 was to be awarded from the Ward Community Fund to make improvements to the pavement on Melbourne Road.


The Chair reported that following the above decisions taken to award particular projects, a sum of £630 remained, and encouraged other organisations to submit applications up to £500 which can be approved prior to the end of the current financial year.


The Chair invited Gavan Willmott of the Contact Project to report back to the community meeting on the Youth Tide Christmas Party that was awarded £500 in December 2009.  Gavan explained that the event was hugely successful and the funds paid for dining and entertainment for 20 elderly residents in St Matthews, which was hosted by younger people.  The Chair thanked Gavan for addressing the meeting, and saw this project as an excellent example of one that successfully connected different communities.




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