Agenda item


There will be an update on several projects which are ongoing and planned to improve the area and get more people involved in the local community


Councillor Palmer and Ian Stapleton, Area Housing Manager, gave an introduction to the large amount of positive and exciting initiatives on the estate. Much of this involved agencies and residents working together. These initiatives were discussed as follows:



This was a community awards event which would take place on 12 March in the Working Men’s Club. This would recognise people’s contribution to making life better for people on the estate. Nomination forms were to be released shortly. It was also reported that six local residents had recently been invited to 10 Downing Street in recognition of their work.


Community newsletter

A community newsletter was being launched and would involve the local community. Ian Stapleton invited ideas for articles.


Shelter for young people/ball court lights

Councillor Palmer explained that government funding had been secured to support community work and respond to issues raised at community meetings. Such work included the installation of a shelter for young people opposite the Glen and lights for the ball court.


Operation Piccolo

This was a joint initiative with the Police and City Council. This would provide additional security and energy efficiency for bungalows. A query was raised regarding a greater risk of frozen pipes following improved home insulation. It was reported that residents would be advised on how to avoid this. Residents also asked if the scheme could be extended to include vulnerable people who lived in cottage flats and houses. It was reported that the bungalows were being targeted as they were particularly highlighted by thermal imaging and that resources for the project were limited but that we would consider all other older/vulnerable people if and when resources permit. It was suggested that information about the initiative could be published in the community newsletter or sent out with the minutes of this meeting.


Big Tidy Up

The next event was scheduled for 22 February. The focus would be on clearing litter, tidying and recycling. Further events would be scheduled through the year. It was reported that Biffa had offered the use of a waste vehicle for free on the day. Residents raised concern about mess left following waste collection. They were advised to let the Council know straight away of any such instances so they could be dealt with quickly.


Refurbishment of Eyres Monsell Primary School

Councillor Palmer reported that the re-launch event following the refurbishment had been a huge success, with performances by the students and Act Up Theatre Company. It was a great community facility and it was suggested that a future Community Meeting could be held there.


Re-launch of Magpie Youth Centre

The newly-refurbished centre had recently been officially re-launched and it now offered a wide range of facilities for young people.


Saffron Resource Centre

Peter Thomson form Saffron Resource Centre explained work they were doing to ensure that children weren’t missing out on entitlement to free transport to school. It was agreed that information about this service would be included in the community newsletter.


Residents raised concerns about their inability to help vulnerable neighbours during the snow due to the lack of grit and grit bins. The hard work of the gritting staff was recognised, and the suggestion to reinstate bins was acknowledged, although it was noted that they had previously been targets for vandalism. It was noted that a solution was required if more severe winters were experienced. Councillor Palmer suggested that this may be considered for funding from the Community Meeting budgets, and the community could manage the bins and grit use.


It was reported that Sally Farr, Head Teacher of Rolleston Primary School, had retired. The meeting expressed its thanks for her hard work in the local community.


A suggestion was made that a calendar of events in the area should be provided to the next meeting.