Agenda item


Carla Lane, Sports Services, will be present to promote the Council’s 3x30 Pledge Campaign, which aims to increase the numbers of over 16s taking part in physical activity and sport and encouraging them to undertake 3 x 30 minute activities each week.


Carla Lane, Physical Activity Officer with Leicester City Council, introduced herself to the meeting, explaining that her remit at the Council was to encourage people aged 16 and over in to physical activity.  She then gave a short presentation on the 3X30 campaign, a copy of which is attached at the end of these minutes for information.


A survey by Active England had shown that only approximately 15% of people did three 30 minutes sessions of exercise per week.  A campaign therefore had been started to encourage people to reach this level of activity, through doing any activity that raised their heartbeat.  When people signed up to the initiative, they were given an activity log to complete themselves and received various incentives and discounts.


Since the campaign was launched in July 2009, approximately 1,500 people had joined the initiative and it was hoped that people would continue to sign up.


Carla Lane then showed a promotional DVD for the campaign.


In response to a question, Carla Lane explained that, if someone had a medical condition that could benefit from exercise, or wanted to do more exercise as part of a weight loss programme, they could be referred to the Council’s Active Lifestyle scheme by their GP.  This gave participants access to different activities, such as yoga, Pilates or the Heart Smart scheme, for 6 months, for which they paid a small charge.  Participants did not have to attend a group, but could undertake the activity at home.


The meeting also noted that the Sports Regeneration Team ran various sessions.  For example, sessions were held in Spinney Park from 9.00 am to 11.00 am on Tuesdays throughout the year.  Currently these were for ladies, but it was hoped that mixed sessions also would be run.


Those present noted that, unlike other areas, Stoneygate Ward did not have any community facilities funded by the City Council and asked whether something could be provided.  The Ward Members advised that they were in the process of trying to secure the use of the Mayfield Centre, Mayfield Road as a community centre.  Anyone aware of other land or buildings that had potential to be used as a community facility was invited to advise the Ward Councillors of the details.


It also was asked if it would be possible for an outdoor gym to be created somewhere in the Ward, similar to that in Evington Park.  Carla Lane advised that the outdoor gym in Evington Park had been funded from sources outside of the Council, but undertook to discuss with the Parks Team whether such a facility could be considered.


Some concern was raised that the levels of lead pollution in the air contributed to low life expectancy rates in the Ward.  Ivan Browne, Public Health Consultant with Leicester City NHS, advised the meeting that it was considered that there was more benefit in going out and doing activity than there was in staying inside to avoid air pollution, as lead levels were not a high as they used to be.



Officer Identified


The possibility of setting up an outdoor gym in a park in the Stoneygate Ward to be discussed with the Parks Team.

Carla Lane

Next meeting

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