Agenda item


To provide an update on the action taken since the recent problems that took place in Humberstone Village.


Inspector Steve Riley, Local Policing Unit Commander, Keyham Lane Police Station attended the meeting to update the meeting on the recent problems that had taken place in Humberstone village.


It was stated that their had been issues regarding gateway College since early January 2010, when the major incident had taken place in Humberstone Village. The incident had been regarded as a spontaneous one and the Police had responded with a large amount of resources. Since the incident analysis had taken place to assess what had happened and why, 6 arrests had since taken place. Community Officers had now been allocated solely to Humberstone village since January to undertake high profile patrols, and whilst the ongoing investigation continued, further arrests were expected.


Insp. Riley stated the Police had been working with Gateway College and it was made clear that not all of the people arrested were students at Gateway. A special bus service had been set up by Gateway with the aim of bringing students to/ taking students away from Gateway College.


Neil Canham, Leicester Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (LASBU) attended the meeting and stated that a location for a CCTV camera had been identified in the centre of Humberstone village and that this would be installed and linked directly to the City Council CCTV Centre on Blackbird Road. LASBU were working closely with the Police on follow-up work, including warning letters.



A member of the public questioned whether, if it was known that 2 separate factions were involved, then would it be a good idea for gateway to ensure that one faction to arrive/leave the College before the other.



Inspector Riley stated that this was an issue for Gateway College to address on their premises. Once off the college site the Police would deal with anti-social behaviour, although it was not felt the position had been reached whereby students would have to be escorted on/off buses.


Liz Iliffe, Deputy Principal, Gateway College stated that a minority of students had been involved in the January incidents, not all of which were from Gateway. 12 students had been suspended on Principal’s contract, meaning that they had to meet with representatives from the College every 2 weeks. Should any of these students step out of line during this period they would be expelled, although this would be an absolute last step.


Gateway College were working closely with the Police and had put staff on duty to walk with students to the bus stop. A special bus service had been provided, as stated earlier, and starting times/leaving times were already staggered to avoid large numbers of students arriving/leaving the site at any one time. Most students were horrified at the recent events and discussion had taken place at tutorials and liaison was underway with local religious leaders.


Work was now underway to meet with local Community and Sports Leaders with a view of entering into a partnership to allow students to work out of the College and for other students to come into the College to use the facilities available. At the next Gateway College staff open day work would be undertaken on a ‘Behavioural Best Practice’ designed to give help to staff to handle such situations.



A member of the public questioned whether Gateway had a provision in place should the need to expel any pupils arise.

Liz Iliffe stated that Gateway would offer full support to any pupil in such a situation.



A member of the public questioned whether Gateway had support provision in place for those students with behavioural problems.

Liz Iliffe stated that Gateway had mentoring/counselling services available.



A member of the public stated that the CCTV camera referred to earlier had now been installed but asked whether a second CCTV camera could be located at Humberstone Stores.

It was stated that, although this suggestion was supported, there was not sufficient funding available at the present time to install a second CCTV camera.



                        that the current position be noted and the relevant agencies                                thanked for the work undertaken in response to the recent                               incidents in Humberstone village.