Agenda item


Sergeant Richard Jackson will give details of current local policing priorities and action taken addressing local issues following concerns expressed by local residents. Residents will be invited to give their views.


PC Martin Birch – Ward Officer from Beaumont ward introduced this item.


- There had been a change in ‘beat’ boundaries to merge to become the Beaumont ward police team.

- Officers that previously had responsibility for a ‘beat’, would nominally remain to deal with issues in those areas, but when problems were identified the pool of officers who could now assist was much greater.

- There were currently three problem solving profiles or priority issues. (Detailed more below)

- A new priority setting process was now being gone through, surveys were being undertaken with residents and in the next month, priorities would be reset.


Sgt Rich Jackson outlined a number of actions which had been taken in response to the current priorities. These included:-


Resolving issues with youths congregating on Bishopdale Road / Aysgarth Road, Austwick Close and Reeth Close.

- 2 people had been imprisoned for breaching their Antisocial Behaviour Orders.

- Evictions had taken place and warning letters sent in partnership with the Housing Department.

- Drug warrant on Bishopdale Road had been enacted.

- Acceptable behaviour contracts had been imposed on tenants in Bishopdale Road.

- A tenant on Aysgarth Road had been returned to prison due to a drug related incident.

- There had been recent antisocial behaviour operations on Fridays.

- Surveys of residents had taken place to seek further views on problems.


Tackling Drug Use on Butterwick Drive / Strasbourg Drive

- A recent warrant had meant that amphetamines, cannabis and cash had been recovered, a custodial sentence was expected.

- A drug warrant on Bishopdale, had also been enforced.

- Residents complaints about discarded needles had been dealt with.


Anti Social Behaviour in the Beaumont Lodge area in the Evenings,

- There had been patrols in area.

- A ringleader had been arrested for other matters, as a result of that action, calls to the area had been reduced.

- Acceptable behaviour contracts had been utilised.


Sergeant Jackson undertook to keep residents informed of any further actions which take place and advised that necessary measures would be put into place where difficult problems emerged.


PC Birch also informed the meeting about the Community Work that had been undertaken by the Police. This had included students from the Community College visiting the Police Station and involvement with the Beaumont Leys Flying Club.


PC Birch also informed the meeting about other events and initiatives. There was an event at the Astill Lodge Centre on the Saturday following the meeting were the public could raise any issues of concern. He also talked about the ‘voice connect’ system where emails or text messages could be sent to residents to warn them of any problems. This could tackle issues such as distraction burglaries where people trick their way into houses. PC1576 Wilson was the main contact for this initiative.


A resident raised a query about whether scams, could also be reported on the ‘voice connect’ system? An example was given relating to false parcel deliveries where it was claimed an expensive phone number needed to be called to arrange delivery. Martin commented that information on this sort of thing was useful, but it would ideally be reported to Trading Standards.