Agenda item


Following discussion at the previous meeting, Penny Hajek, Director, Access, Inclusion and Participation and Vicky Wibberley, Head of Service Change for Children will be present to provide an update on Integrated Services Hubs. 


Following discussion on this matter at the previous meeting, Penny Hajek, Director, Access, Inclusion and Participation and Vicky Wibberley, Head of Service Change for Children were present to provide an update on Integrated Services Hubs. 


It was reported that the vision for Integrated Services in Leicester was to develop an entitlement offer to all children and young people that provides integrated neighbourhood services that are accessible, inclusive, sustainable, evidence-based where funding follows need and results in measurable improvement of outcomes.


Penny explained that the Spinney Hills Ward was located within the central area.  Services for 0-12 year olds would be delivered via the Children’s Centres based at the Highfields Centre, the Mayfield Centre and on St Saviours Road.  Services for 13-19 year olds would be delivered via a Hub at Moat Community College.  The Highfields Centre was also to be used as a youth resource centre as part of the programme.


Penny reported that Kay Hewitt had been appointed as the co-ordinator for services for 13-19 year olds in the central area.


A Member of the Public requested further information in relation to the timescales for implementing the programme and enquired how different community groups could become more greatly involved.  In response, it was noted that Priya Thamotheram would be representing the local community of the Leicester Youth Action Committee.  Penny further stated that there were a number of ways for members of the community to become involved with the programme, through advisory boards that had been set up for services for 0-12 year olds and that similar boards were to be set up for services for 13-19 year olds.  In terms of the composition of these, Kay stated that they would be made up equally with statutory, voluntary sector and community representatives, including young people.  It was further pointed out from officers that the service commissioning strategy which was currently being developed would give greater detail around how the advisory boards would operate. 


With regard to timescales for delivery, it was reported that the Hub at the Mayflower site was currently being developed, and would be in operation by September of this year.  The Moat Site was being developed as part of the BSF programme at the community college, and this would be in operation by 2011/12, but it was intended that some level of services would be delivered from the site at an earlier time.


In terms of the 13-19 Hub, it was stated that initial discussions had taken place with Moat Community College around the level and range of services that could be provided.  It was also reported that Kay Hewitt had met with heads of year groups at the college to identify which services would be most suitable for young people of various ages. 


A view was raised around schools and colleges not being the most suitable venues for service delivery, as many young people who were having negative experiences with schooling would not be minded to return to the same buildings to access services out of school hours.  This concern was recognised by officers and it was noted that Hubs would not deliver all services, and that a number of other local sites would do so. 





Officer Identified


That information on the clear  timescales for implementing the integrated services programme be provided.

Penny Hajek/Vicky Wibberley

For the next meeting



That information in relation to the policy of community involvement be made available.

Penny Hajek/Vicky Wibberley

For the next meeting