Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


An update will be given on community meeting budgets and applications for funding will be submitted.



It was noted that, since the agenda had been circulated, three applications for funding had been received.  These were tabled at the meeting, along with an update on grants previously approved in the current financial year and an update relating to a previous application from “Act Up!” Youth Theatre.


a)     Application 1


Applicant:       Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd

Project:           Wednesday Specials

Proposal:       Funding requested to sustain the Wednesday Specials, a group of people with special needs (mostly learning difficulties), while alternative funding was sought. 

Amount requested:   £1,256.71 – staffing costs for 13 sessions at £96.67 per session (2 staff members)


A representative of the Wednesday Specials introduced this application, explaining that the group currently had 9 members, who were all aged 18 and above, with serious disabilities and challenging problems.  Due to the age of the members, Youth Services could not help with funding, so this grant had been requested to enable the group to continue while it sought more permanent funding.


As members of the group came from both Freemen Ward and Eyres Monsell Ward, it was



1)     that funding of £630 be approved from the Ward Action Plan to the Wednesday Specials, to cover 50% of the staffing costs of 13 sessions of the Wednesday Specials group; and


2)     that this application be referred to the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, with a recommendation that the other 50% of the staffing costs referred to under 1) above be met.


b)     Application 2


Applicant:       Saffron Support for Elderly People

Project:           Saffron Older Person’s Social Group

Proposal:       To set up a social group for local elders on a Wednesday afternoon at Southfields Drive Community Centre.  It was hoped to provide a lunch, encourage the elders to participate in health and well being activities and provide some outings.  Members would come from the Aylestone, Saffron and Eyres Monsell areas.

Amount requested:   Arts & Crafts Materials:        £300

                                    Sessional Workers:              £100

                                    Transport Hire:                      £100

                                                                        Total:   £500



                                that funding of £500 be approved to Saffron Support for Elderly People from the Ward Action Plan for start up and support costs for the Saffron Older Person’s Social Group.


c)     Application 3


Applicant:       Jarvis D’souza, Senior Sports Development Worker, Southfields Sports Centre

Project:           Southfields Fitness Suite Anniversary/Celebrations

Proposal:       Multi sports/fitness training/inductions free sessions

                        Saturday 2 October 2010, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

                        For the Freemen Ward, and Saffron/Eyres Monsell neighbouring wards, local community

Amount requested:   Publicity/Stationery:                            £50   (estimated)

                                    Staffing/Volunteers:                          £231   (actual)

                                    Refreshments:                                     £30   (estimated)

                                    Prizes/free gifts                                  £60   (estimated)

                                    Hire of sports hall/fitness suite         £135   (actual)

                                                                                    Total:   £506


The applicant explained that this event would celebrate the fact that the facilities had been opened one year previously and to advertise that the facilities were there.  It would be held on a Saturday, in order to maximise the number of people who could attend.  Free inductions would be provided and it was hoped that people would become members at the event.


As users of these facilities came from both Freemen Ward and Eyres Monsell Ward, it was



1)         that funding of £250 be approved from the Ward Action Plan, to cover 50% of the costs of the Southfields Fitness Suite Anniversary/Celebrations; and


2)         that this application be referred to the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, with a recommendation that the other 50% of the costs referred to under 1) above be met.


d)     Update – “Act Up!” Youth Theatre


An update on the “Act Up!” Youth Theatre was tabled at the meeting.


A representative from the group reminded the meeting of the application for a grant of £2,000 that the group previously had submitted, consideration of which had been deferred.  Funding had been requested to run a summer project, but it now was proposed to use any funding approved for weekly sessions throughout the autumn term and a project week during the October half term holiday. 


Eyres Monsell Community Meeting had approved a grant of £1,400 towards this and Aylestone Community Meeting had approved a grant of £866.


Approximately 70 young people were registered as members of the group, of which approximately 40 attended the weekly group sessions.



that a grant of £800 be approved from the Ward Action Plan and a grant of £360 be approved from the Ward Community Plan budget to the “Act Up!” Youth Theatre, towards weekly sessions throughout the autumn term and a project week during the October half term holiday.