Agenda item


John Thomson, Saffron Neighbourhood Housing manager, will give an update on the Future Jobs Fund and discuss housing issues, including the new allocations system.


Jo Astill, Supervisor, Neighbourhood Improvement provided a presentation on the Saffron and Eyres Monsell’s Future Jobs Team and Suzanne Collins, Property Lettings Manager provided a presentation on the new Leicester Homechoice scheme.


Jo explained that the Future Jobs Fund was a Government scheme to get 18-24 year olds, who were unemployed for six months or more into work. She reported that Housing Services had got a bid approved for 100 Neighbourhood Improvement Operatives in December last year.


The Community Meeting was informed that funding for the scheme was received from the Department of Work and Pensions. Jo explained that the aim of the group was to improve neighbourhoods and that the individuals in the scheme were a really diverse group. Jo explained some of the benefits to the individuals involved. These included certificates received, becoming more confident and additional experience for their CV.


Jo showed some of the work that been carried out by the operatives. The Community Meeting was informed that surveys were carried out after the work was completed to see if there were any problems with the work that had been carried out. It was reported that the work carried out had been well received by the public. Jo reported that one of the operatives had found full time employment and four others had applied for apprenticeships.


It was queried whether the Future Jobs Fund would continue. Jo stated that currently there was only three months left and funding to continue the initiative had been applied for however had not been approved. Concern was raised that stopping the scheme would result in a number of young people unemployed and without assistance.


The Chair thanked Jo for her presentation.


Suzanne provided an overview of Leicester Homechoice. She informed residents that the scheme was a new way of allocating social housing. Some of the benefits of the new system included:


  • More transparency – applicants were able to see how many properties were available.
  • More information – applicants were now able to see all empty properties that were available and there was more information on issues such as the facilities available in the properties.
  • Allowing applicants to apply for three properties a week.
  • It allowed for a more efficient use of housing stock.


The Community Meeting was informed that there was no additional housing as a result of the scheme. Suzanne commented that currently there were approximately 22,000 properties in the city. There were currently approximately 8000 people on the housing register however there were only approximately 1400 vacancies.


Suzanne explained the steps of how to applying for a property. These were:


  • Filling in an application form – these were available from the Leicester Homechoice website, the property shop at housing options, via telephone, through the local neighbourhood housing office and at Customer Service Centres.
  • If applicants were eligible they were then sent a registration number followed by a security pin number.
  • Applicants then were able to look for and choose properties they wished to apply for from various access points across the city.
  • Applicants then were able to apply for properties using one of the four methods available.
  • Offers were then made to applicants if they had been successful.
  • Results would be supplied to demonstrate how properties had been let.


Residents were informed that the advertising cycle opened on a Wednesday at 6am and closed on Monday midnight of the following week. Suzanne commented that applications were not on a first come first service basis. She explained if applicants refused three offers in a 12 month period then they would be placed on reduced points. They however could be allowed a further three offers depending on the reasons why they had refused the properties. The Community Meeting was informed that people who were currently homeless were encouraged to make three offers and if they did not then this was done automatically for them.


Suzanne explained that there was help and advice available about the new scheme and an access strategy and process was in place for vulnerable persons who may experience difficulty in accessing the scheme. Other housing options advice was also available. The Community Meeting was informed that all documents could be downloaded from the City Council website.


The Chair stated that he agreed that the new system was much better however more housing in the city was needed.


A resident queried why the system was not on a first come first serve basis. Suzanne commented that houses were allocated depending on a needs basis according to the allocations policy.


The Chair thanked Suzanne for her presentation.