Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel to provide an update on the Community Meeting Budget and report on applications received since the last meeting.




Anita Patel, Members Support Officer introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting and Members gave them consideration as follows.


It was reported that, as the meeting was not quorate, i.e. only one Ward Councillor out of three being present, any decisions taken regarding the budget would require the other two Ward Councillors to be contacted for their views before the applications could be processed. The Chair suggested that a meeting would be arranged to enable the 3 Ward Councillors to meet and detrmine the applications submitted.


Applications deferred from the last meeting


i)          Basketball tasters                                                              1100  

An application from Karl Brown/Warriors Basketball to stage basketball taster sessions in the area            for young people aged between 6 and 16. The application was supported subject to further information being obtained as to the users targeted, to be funded from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


ii)         All weather pitch                                                                 15000

            Application from Medway Community Primary School to part fund the provision of an all weather pitch at Medway Community Primary      School. The application was supported in principle and to be subject   to funding available within the Ward Action Plan Budget.   


Applications received since the last meeting


iii)        Evington Mosque Shrub Border                                    2356

            Regeneration Project

An application from Azhad Beheno to purchase tools and cover initial landscaping of the shrub border outside the mosque and to set up a group of worshipers to provide ongoing maintenance of the site. The funding to be from the Ward Community Fund.


It was agreed that this application be deferred to a future meeting.


iv)        One Community One Leicester                                      3350

An application from Khidmah Organisation to stage two community based leisure, arts, sports and social activity days in June 2011 at Crown Hills Community College. The events were to be targeted at infants through to the elderly from Stoneygate and neighbouring wards.


A representative from the Khidmah Organisation (the applicant) was present at the meeting and was asked whether funding had been sought from other Community Meetings. The applicant responded by stating that, due to time constraints, no other funding had been sought. The funding to be from the Ward Action Plan Budget.

The view expressed at the meeting was that support be given in principle but that 50% funding be sought by the applicant from Spinney Hills Community Meeting.


v)         Clear Ups and Security provision                                 500

An application from ‘The Square Residents Group’ to help prevent criminal activities and to clean up the environment in the vicinity of ‘The Square’ (bounded by Stoughton Drive North, St. Philips Road, Evington Lane and Roundhill Road). A representative from the group was present at the meeting and stated that there were a number of Anti-Social behaviour issues in the area and it was hoped that part of the funding could be utilised to secure effectively the existing gates to the community.


The view expressed at the meeting was to fully support the application.



In concluding it was stated that a meeting of the 3 Ward Councillors would be arranged as soon as possible to determine the applications identified and the applicants informed of the outcomes.



Supporting documents: