Agenda item


Sergeant Rich Jackson and PC Martin Birch to give an update on recent Police initiatives, successes and current developments.


PC Martin Birch gave an update on recent Police initiatives, successes and current developments.


Overall Progress

Martin reported that overall, the Beaumont Leys area was making good progress towards city Police priorities and there had been a reduction in all crime of 12% compared to that reported at the last meeting.


Summer Burglary Initiative

An awareness raising even had taken place over the summer where Police patrolled the area to put notes through open windows which indicated risk of burglary. Of the burglaries that took place in the Police station’s area 60% of these were as a consequence of windows being left open.


Emerging Trends

Theft from cars was currently dramatically increasing it was felt that this was a result of people from outside the area coming in. Martin strongly recommended that satellite navigation systems and handbags should not be left in unattended vehicles.



Martin noted that the illegal use of motorbikes was not as bad a problem as it had been in previous years. A tough stance had been taken and the preventive measures installed on the Black Pad had proved successful.


Distraction Burglary

Martin noted that this was an ongoing problem where vulnerable people were often preyed upon, he noted a particular incident where £10,000 was stolen. He advised that people thoroughly check who is at their door, and especially interrogate their identification as this could easily be faked. Perpetrators of this crime could be very convincing and will usually have a story to tell about why they need access to the house. He advised if people had any doubts that they contact the Police.


Budget Situation

There had been a great deal of publicity about government funding cuts in the media. The Ward area had already seen a reduction in one officer and Police Community Support Officer. Whilst officers’ time would be at a premium in the future and resources would be stretched, Martin felt that the area was served by one of the best Police forces in the city.


Firework Display

There would be a North West Leicester firework display on Friday 5th November at Mowmacre Sports Ground. Martin was taking a big role in organising this.


Councillor Westley queried why it had to be in Mowmacre and why not held on Beaumont Park. Martin commented that due to the wind direction and the need to have a ‘fallout’ area meant that there was nowhere suitable in the Beaumont Leys ward. He was however committed to promoting it as being for the whole North West Leicester area.


Councillor Dempster asked that local older people’s groups and doctors’s surgeries be given leaflets advertising this event.


Other Matters

A resident enquired whether an officer called Caroline would be coming back to beat 13, as she had developed good relations with residents and knew the area well. Martin commented that as part of the recent realignment staff had been moved about, and were covering wider areas. However there was nothing stopping them from visiting any part of the ward as part of their work.