Agenda item


Representatives from the City Council Youth Services division will be attending the meeting to discuss Armadale Youth Centre and youth provision in Hamilton.


Armadale Centre/Netherhall Centre Ball Courts


Gerry Burke, Area Youth Work Manager and Martin Forbes, Senior Youth Worker attended the meeting.


Martin stated that some £100k had been spent at Armadale Youth Centre to make the building better, the building was also shared by Early Years. An IT Suite had been installed but could not be used as the Computers had not yet been networked and when the computers were all turned on the electrics tripped out frequently. A new kitchen had been installed but, following inspection, had been deemed unusable due to faulty pipework and was likely to cost some £5k to put right. Despite these issues a programme of events had been staged over the summer period, although it was not possible to cater for all categories of people in the area. The Chair expressed concerns that the works carried out had not been completed to a satisfactory standard and gave assurances that this matter would be investigated with a view to having the full facilities operational as soon as possible.


Gerry stated that previously identified funding for the Netherhall Centre Ball Courts and associated works, including the floodlights, had now been reinstated following long delays in getting the work started. Work would now start with Housing and Property Services to ensure that the necessary works were undertaken and additional resources were sourced. The Chair stated that it was essential that these works were carried out, particularly as £50k had been gifted to the area by a local farmer some 7 years ago and it was intended that the money would be spent on the Ball Court. £5k towards the cost of the floodlights had been previously agreed by the Community Meeting and this funding would be made available as soon as works started.


It was agreed that a Standing Item would be included on the Agenda for each future meeting until such time as the floodlights were installed and operational.


A member of the public questioned how many staff were employed at the Armadale Centre, bearing in mind that the Centre was not able to cater for all categories. Martin stated that 2 staff were employed at the Centre and sessional staff were brought in as and when required.


A member of the public stated that the play area on the estate near Danbury Gardens had been built in 1998 and had never been adopted by the Council, the builder had also since ceased to exist. Due to the condition of the play area it had been closed for the last 5 years. Officers stated that this would be taken up with the relevant department at the City Council and the outcomes would be reported back.


The Unit, Hamilton


It was reported that The Unit, due to the lack of funding, had not been able to renew the lease on the the unit at Hope Hamilton Church. The Unit were able to offer limited youth provision for 11-19’s between 3.30 pm and 5.30 pm on Thursdays at Hope Hamilton Church. Further funding would be sought.