Agenda item


Councillor Bhatti submits a report that outlines options for the future use of the Manor House Community Centre following its temporary closure in November 2009.  Cabinet is recommended to approve the recommendations set out in Paragraph 2 of the report.


Councillor Bhatti submitted a report that outlined options for the future use of the Manor House Community Centre following its temporary closure in November 2009.


Councillor Bhatti explained that an extensive consultation exercise had been carried out which demonstrated that the majority of those consulted wanted the Manor House to be re-opened as a community facility. Councillor Bhatti added that there was an amendment to 4.17 of the report to show that the school playing fields were not part of the discussions into the possible options as they were controlled by decisions around green spaces for local communities for children and would require consent from the Secretary of State for Education. Members were also asked to note that this was the only vehicular access for St Mary’s School.


Councillor Bhatti asked for Cabinet to agree to Option 3, that Manor House should be re-opened as detailed in section 4.19 in the report. Members heard that in respect of this option, a one off investment of £50,000 would be required and this could be accounted for from the £50,000 that was returned to the corporate budget from the 10,000 trees programme.  Councillor Russell stated that she supported Option 3, to re-open Manor House but requested the following amendments:


  • that during October and November, whilst Manor House was undergoing a deep clean, that Officers should take the opportunity to talk to community groups and discuss ways that they could work together to ensure Manor House became a sustainable community facility.


  • that factors should be agreed as to what constituted success and how it could be measured.


  • that during December, the centre should be actively publicised before a full re-opening in January.


Councillor Bhatti added an additional recommendation that Officers should be asked to assess the take-up to events at the centre during the 6 – 9 months following the re-opening with a view to looking towards providing facilities on a permanent basis.


Members stated that they supported the re-opening of the centre and heard that there was a potential interest from a community group in becoming a key tenant.


Councillor Coley also stated that he welcomed the recommendations and commented that in 2007, funds had been allocated to refurbish the Manor House although this had not happened.



                        that Cabinet:


1)     notes the contents of the report,


2)     notes the consultation process and outcomes with community group leaders and local residents and Ward Councillors: and


3)     agrees to Option 3 to re-open the building, as detailed in 4.19 of the report; and


4)     agrees to the additional recommendations:


a)     that during October and November, Officers should talk to community groups to find ways of working together to encourage engagement and ensure that Manor House becomes a sustainable facility;


b)     that factors for constituting success and how it can be measured be agreed;


c)      that the centre be actively publicised during December before a full re-opening in January; and


d)     that Officers look into the possibility of providing community facilities in the area on a permanent basis in the future.

Supporting documents: