Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten to provide an update on the Community Meeting Budget and report on applications for funding received since the last meeting.



Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, introduced the funding applications received since the last meeting and members gave them consideration: -



a)         Leicester Interfaith Gardening Work Project                          3,820


Application deferred from the last meeting pending further information from the applicants. It was reported that the applicants had failed to provide further information.



                        that the application be Rejected.


b)        Muslim Burial Council of Leicestershire                                  657


Application to fund a Multi Lingual Educational Publication project for the benefit of the various newly arrived communities in the area.



                        that the application  for £657 be Supported.


c)         Khidmah Organisation                                                                 1,000


Application to run evening youth activities during the month of Ramadan, based at Madani Community Centre. It was reported that although the application was retrospective the Cabinet Lead member that the application should be considered.



                        That the application for £1,000 be Supported.


d)        Leicester Interfaith Youth Club                                                   580


A substitute Application was tabled at the meeting ‘Clean up Evington Brook’, submitted on behalf of the St. Philip’s Centre. The application was to cover the costs of BTCV who would provide professional tools for cutting and clipping vegetation and provide protective gear for the 25 expected volunteers.


Discussion took place as to whose responsibility the clearing of Evington Brook was. It was suggested that the City Council’s Parks Team should be approached in the first instance and also the Environment Agency regarding Evington Brook. Detailed costings regarding the application were also requested.


It was generally agreed that prior to a decision being made, a sum of £300 be ‘ring fenced’, pending the satisfactory receipt of the following information regarding the aspects of the work proposed: -


            Ownership of the land referred to in the application

            Ownership of watercourse

Assess whether any of the work proposed could be done by others (Parks Team for instance).

Safe Working.



that a sum of £300 be ’ring fenced’ pending the receipt of the information requested and a decision by the Community Meeting.


e)         Greener Highfields Big Bulb Plant                                            276.50


Application to plant spring bulbs in the tree pits at more than 90 locations in streets in the Stoneygate area, purchase of 10 bulb planters, compost and publicity.


Discussion took place and it was suggested that, as the Community Meeting promoted working together, other local volunteer groups should be approached to become involved in the planting programme, together with local schools.



that the application for £276.50 be Supported, funded from the Ward Action Plan.


f)          Kaine Management Group                                                           740


Application to stage a Cultural Awareness Day for approximately 60 school children aged 5-11 from the Stoneygate Ward.


It was further suggested that a better approach might be to arrange for 30 children from Stoneygate to meet with 30 children from another Ward such as Braunstone or New Parks, this suggestion was supported.



that the application for £740 be referred in the first instance to the Corporate Community Cohesion Fund to see whether it can be funded from there. Should this not be possible then the Community Meeting are prepared to fund it,provided a suitable match of schools are found i.e. schools with children from different backgrounds.