Agenda item


To receive an update on local policing issues.


Sgt. Danny Graham, responsible for the Stoneygate and Thurncourt policing areas attended the meeting to give an update on local policing issues.


It was reported that between early August and early September 2010 Operation Overlord had taken place to address problems around Anti-Social Behaviour and Car Parking in the area. 4 Police Officers, as well as City Wardens and Special Constabulary officers had taken part and the operation had been a great success with no incidences of anti-social behaviour or any arrests. Several parking tickets had been issued and a number of advisory notices had also been issued for cars that had been parked badly.


It was stated that the Police relied on the public to report incidents and the targets for local policing had recently been set, to include: -


            Medway Street – Drugs Issues

            Evington Road – Car parking and Anti-Social Behaviour


These issues would be dealt with first and then other areas of concern identified would be tackled. To assist this process, door to door street surveys were being carried out, supported by non-Police volunteers, to try and ascertain what problems were causing concern. Further issues had been identified around Myrtle Road and Upper Tichborne Street relating to Ant-Social Behaviour, Drug Use and Misuse of Motor Vehicle. With Diwali and Christmas approaching it was planned to put extra patrols on the streets to show a police presence.


Sgt. Graham stated that all crime in the area had shown an overall decrease of 71% compared to the same period (June, July and August) in 2009.


Several members of the public stated that they were concerned at the numbers of Eastern Europeans gathering in crowds in the Evington Road area, and it was also apparent that large numbers were living in several houses, and there were also drugs issues in certain parts of Abingdon Road. Sgt. Graham stated that there had certainly been an increase in the number of Eastern Europeans in the area but no obvious community leaders had been identified and activities were being sought.


A member of the public stated that there had been further issues of Anti-Social Behaviour on James Road the previous Saturday, that had resulted in 11 cars being damaged, as well other similar incidents that had occurred previously. Sgt Graham stated that regarding the Saturday incidents he would respond to these and investigate.


A member of the public qyestioned whether ther was anyone that couldbe contacted within the local Muslim community to put an end to certain rumour that were circulating regarding how the City Council had bought mosques for the Muslim community and paid for extensions to the buildings. Councillor Suleman stated that he was aware of a number of rumours that had been circulating and gave assurances that the City Council had not bought any mosque for the Muslim community and neither did they pay for extensions to mosques. The City Council were however responsible for administering the planning process that covered new build, changes of use, conversions etc. and officers of the Council gave advice to members of the Planning Committee. During Ramadan a number of potential incidents had been eliminated as a result of information received. The Ward Councillors were happy to answer any questions and were here to represent the whole Stoneygate community.


Sgt. Graham was thanked for his update.


Regarding Victoria Park it was stated that there had been 6 reported incidents of indecent assault on Victoria Park during the previous 3 month period, since then a person had been arrested and there had been no further reported incidents since. Police presence had also been increased on the Park and this had also seemed to have an effect.



                        that the information be noted.