Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, will give an update on the latest position with the Community Meeting budget.


The following applications for grants have been submitted for consideration:


Application 1          


Applicant:       The Welcome Club


Amount:          £500


Proposal:       To take pensioners on a day out


Summary:       This application is to take 40-45 senior citizens on a day out.  All                      Members live in the Abbey Ward.


Application 2


Applicant:       The Tuesday Social Bingo Club


Amount:          £65


Proposal:       A taxi/mini-bus for Tuesday Social Bingo Christmas Dinner.


Summary:       We are going for a Christmas meal in early December and will be hiring a taxi/mini-bus to transport the group both ways.  All 13 members will attend. All Members live on or around Mowmacre Hill, Beaumont Leys and Stocking Farm.  We go for a meal each year, so I would be sending an invoice of the hired mini bus fare.  All Members are elderly so having a mini-bus/taxi would be easier for us.


Application 3


Applicant:       Thursday Social Bingo


Amount:          £70


Proposal:       Gift for all members of the Thursday Social Bingo Christmas Party


Summary:       We are going for a Christmas meal in early December.  Each year we pay out most of our money collected over the year.  It would be nice to give a gift of chocolates or biscuits to each member.  We have 24 members coming from Mowmacre Hill and the Stocking Farm Estate.  If our application is successful, we would send in receipts of gifts bought.  Most of our Members are elderly and enjoy their bingo, plus it is also a social evening and everyone gets on well together and also helps each other. 


Application 4


Applicant:       Friends of Abbey Park


Amount:          £3,000


Proposal:       Woodland Walk


Summary:       This application is to improve access to the Abbey Park Pound which over looks the parks fountain and boating lake, by holding a woodland walk in October/November 2010.  it aims to do the following:


  1. To link with local schools for environmental education as part of a Younger Park Ranger scheme.
  2. For community use as a tree trail, healthy walks and educational awareness.
  3. To encourage local wildlife with habitat creation.
  4. To work with apprenticeship schemes to encourage horticultural teaching.
  5. We aim to run a family event on a Saturday and Sunday in November to encourage healthy lifestyles to users, by planting bulbs and shrubs as part of the ‘Community Bulb Planting Scheme’ where we will work in partnership with LCC Parks Services by running a community fun day.
  6. This will be evidenced by the event taking place.
  7. Photographic evidence will be available.
  8. We will also hand out community consultation questionnaires.
  9. Ward Councillors will be invited to visit the area for a guided walk once the project is completed.


Application 5


Applicant:       UR Choice Young People’s Project


Amount:          £4,843


Proposal:       UR choice young peoples project start up in Abbey.


Summary:       We are looking for funds to support us in setting up a new youth lead project within the Leicester North west area.  We have already started work over the summer with support from the Beaumont Leys ward and would like to ask for some support to start delivering services within the Mowmacre Hill, Stocking Farm and Abbey Rise areas. We want to start with carrying out a community profile (including identifying current priority issues through statistics, mapping provision currently available and consulting with young people themselves). As well as working with local young people to develop ideas and run activities and sessions throughout the year. (we intend to use detached and outreach as our main methods, working closely with the city detached youth work team and stocking farm youth centre).


The money would be spent on establishing our selves as a project we need to extend our insurance, support young volunteers with training opportunities and expenses (travel and child care for young parents), to get internet and phone connection for the project  along with other resources to support the project local room hire, printing, copying and stationery and sessional workers where needed (the majority of workers involved in the project work voluntary). Along with new and up to date CRB’s and id. As well as a leaflet produced after the community profile and consultation with young people to advertise the project and get young people involved, promote understanding of young people and their issues, and promote other facilities for young people and services they can be supported by.


The project will be aimed at local young people 13 to 19 (up to 25 with support needs) we will start engaging with young people to develop new projects and funding applications based on their ideas. We will aim to consult and engage with 200 young people in the first 6 months, with at least 2 young people lead funding applications for local programmes that address local issues and young peoples interests.


Application 6


Applicant:       Stocking Farm Tenants


Amount:          £655


Proposal:       Stocking Farm/Abbey Rise Christmas Fete


Summary:       A cultural Christmas event for all communities and ages, encouraging community cohesion and bringing the neighbourhood together.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, presented the applications that had been submitted to the meeting. In addition he explained that due to the uncertainty over future budgets the Councillors were seeking to encourage groups to become more independent, especially those who already received funding in the last couple of years.


Fast tracked items:

Friends of Mowmacre - £400 had been agreed before the meeting from the Ward Community Fund


Police - £487 had been agreed before the meeting from the Ward Action Plan Fund.




Councillor Byrne, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the Welcome Club, withdrew from the meeting and took no part in the discussion or vote on this item.


Welcome Club

The Chair reported that the group had applied for funding on a few occasions. Members felt it was fair to part fund the day trip with half the requested money. Concern was expressed that the cost of transport was high and that the group might need more money, however Members believed the group had suitable funds to cover this cost.



that the application be supported to the value of £250 and no new applications from the Welcome Club until 2012/13.


Councillor Byrne returned to the meeting.


Tuesday Social Bingo Club



that the application be supported to the value of £65 and no new applications from the Tuesday Social Bingo Club until 2012/13.


Thursday Social Bingo

Members expressed concern regarding spending funds on gifts and agreed allocation of funds should only be spent on the meal. Members of the public queried if the Tuesday and Thursday Social Bingo was the same group. The Chair noted from the applications that the Thursday group had nearly three times more members.



that the application be supported to the value of £70 and no new applications from the Thursday Social Bingo until 2012/13.


Friends of Abbey Park

The applicant reported that the application was made to help improved certain areas and pathways, enhance the environment and provide the opportunity for staff to work with school children. The Chair explained that half the money would be allocated as the park was used by all wards. In response the applicant explained that events were targeted at local schools. Sgt Michelle Zakoscielny suggested that they submitted an application to the Joint Action Group for match funding.



that the application be supported to the value of £1,500.


UR Choice Young Peoples Project

The Chair reported that Members would like more information before making a decision on this application.



                        that the application be deferred.


Stocking Farm Tenants

It was noted that the fete would take place on 7 November and that the application was match funded through the Healthy Living Budget.



that the application be supported to the value of £665, and no new applications from the Stocking Farm Tenants until 2012/13.


Late Applications:

Members agreed to take the following late applications.


Little Tykes

The Chair explained that as the last application was recent Members felt that it was appropriate to only half fund the trip to Twin Lakes.



that the application be supported to the value of £422, and no new applications from Little Tykes until 2012/13.


Thursday Night Bingo Club

It was noted that they were applying for funds for a train ride trip.



that the application be supported to the value of £395, and no new applications from Thursday Night Bingo Club until 2012/13.


Mrs Shorten

It was reported that the application sought funds for taxi fairs to the Forum for Older People for two representatives from the St Patricks Afternoon Club.



that the application be supported to the value of £75.


Festivals Unit

It was explained that the application was for twenty young people to work on a project before attending the Abbey Park bonfire. Members were concerned that the application was late for the project to start in two weeks and felt that funding this Council activity would encourage other services with budget difficulties to apply. Members noted that the firework displays would not be affected by not funding this project. The firework displays would take place on 5th and 6th November.



                        that the application be rejected.


The meeting heard that the funding applications that the Councillors agreed to support would be passed to the Leader and Cabinet Lead for approval.