Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members will be asked to consider the following budget applications:


Application 1


Applicant:       Barleycroft Youth Centre Young People Group


Amount:          £400


Proposal:       Production of Christmas Play


Summary:       The Youth Centre members have worked on a drama demonstrating the issues that have affected them on the Beaumont Leys Estate. The money will fund costumes, stage hire and transport.


Application 2


Applicant:       UR Choice Young People’s Project


Amount:          £6,660


Proposal:       Youth and Community Café at Home Farm Neighbourhood Centre


Summary:       The Youth Group would like to open a community café which will be open to the general public. This will be run with support from youth workers and will be open in the evenings and at weekends for young people to drop in. There will be opportunities for young people to obtain food hygiene certificates and other work experience and personal development.


This will also provide local young people with somewhere to go, to receive support and advice along with opportunities for getting involved in developing their own ideas for projects within the area.


It will be open initially for two sessions a week, one for community and one for young people. Once it is up and running and young people have gained their food hygiene certificates, it is intended to open the café more days in the week. The café will be advertised throughout the community with flyers, local partners and local media.


The funding will be used to cover kitchen improvements and equipment, training, advertising and provisions.


Application 3


Applicant:       Mrs Denise Richardson


Amount:          £80.40


Proposal:       Start up of a coffee morning for the Beaumont Leys community.


Summary:       To be held at Barleycroft Living Centre on Mondays 10.00am to 12.00pm, and would be open for anyone who wishes to attend. The coffee morning will be advertised in the community area.


The money will cover the cost of venue rent for three weeks.


Fast Tracked Applications Approved

The following applications were considered under the fast track process as they were under £500 and they were generally of an urgent nature and required a prompt decision. The meeting is asked to note the applications.


Application 4


Applicant:       Barleycroft Evergreen Club


Amount:          £500 (£925 requested)


Proposal:       Theatre Cost and Coach Travel


Summary:       The money will be a theatre trip and coach travel, to enable members to go out on a traditional Christmas lunch.


Application 5


Applicant:       Unity Boxing Club


Amount:          £300 (£400 requested)


Proposal:       The money will cover the purchase of new boxing gloves.


Summary:       Due to high membership current gloves are wearing out and more are needed.


Application 6


Applicant:       Barley Croft Primary School


Amount:          £450


Proposal:       The school is proposing to have a special community event,  linking up with the Barley Croft Healthy Living Centre and the Barley Croft Youth Centre.


Summary:       Over 400 people will be coming from the local community, parents, young people and healthy living centre participants all together on a special sharing Christmas event on December the 9th.


Activities like Santas Grotto, stalls, music, youth activities will be available on the day. Young children will be given the opportunity to make food and sing Christmas carols to the local elderly people and lots more.


The aim is to provide stimulating and exciting games/tokens for the children who come to the event by providing them with a resource which helps them to engage and come together with their families and the wider community.


Application 7


Applicant:       Income Management Team, Leicester City Council


Amount:          £300


Proposal:       “Stay Warm, Stay Solvent”


Summary:       An event was held on the 26th November 2010 at the Beaumont Leys Neighbourhood Centre.  It provided all residents in the Ward with an opportunity to get direct advice on:



Fuel Poverty

Health through Warmth

Money Matters – eg. Access to Bank Accounts

Adult literacy skills

Child Poverty

Benefits/debt advice

Health and Wellbeing


Councillors were requested to consider the following budget applications:-


Application 1 – Barleycroft Youth Centre Young People Group


This was an application for £400 for the production of a Christmas play.



that as the event did not go ahead, it would not be formally considered for approval.


Application 2 – UR Choice Young People’s Project


This was an application for £6,600, to set up a youth and community café at Home Farm Neighbourhood Centre.


The Member Support Officer reported that further work would be undertaken with this project to explore other ways of finding funding for this project as it was a substantial amount. It was also felt that it needed to be explored whether this was the correct venue for this project.



that the application be deferred for further discussions about other funding opportunities and venues.


Application 3 – Mrs Denis Richardson – Coffee Morning


This was an application for £80.40 to start up a coffee morning for the Beaumont Leys community, with the money being used to cover the venue hire at Barleycroft Healthy Living Centre for three weeks.


Councillor Dempster commented that it was often difficult to get events like this started up and that it should be investigated whether a rent free period could be provided.



that further work take place to explore whether a rent free period could be provided at the Healthy Living Centre.


Late Application


It was noted that a late application had been received from Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association for £2,500 for some award ceremonies and some first aid training. This application was not considered as there was not enough funds left in the budget to support it.


Fast Tracked Applications


The following applications were included on the agenda for formally noting as they had been agreed by Councillors in between meetings under the fast track process.


Application 4 – Barleycroft Evergreen Club


This application was for £925 for a theatre trip, coach travel and a Christmas lunch.


This project was supported at £500.


Application 5 – Unity Boxing Club


This application was for £400 to cover the cost of boxing gloves.


This project was supported at £300.


Application 6 – Barleycroft Primary School


This application was for £450 to support a special community event, linking up with the Barleycroft Healthy Living Centre and the Barleycroft Youth Centre.


This project was supported at £450.


Application 7 – Income Management Team, Leicester City Council


This application was for £300 to support the ‘Stay Warm, Stay Solvent’ event at the Beaumont Leys Neighbourhood Centre which provided residents with a range of advice on money matters, benefits and other support.


This project was supported at £300.