Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Please find summaries of applications received for consideration below. Full application forms can be accessed by contacting Democratic Support on 0116 2298814 or by visiting the Council’s website at


1)     Environmental Activities, Ahmed Faraji, Parks Services, Leicester City Council - £500.


The application is to provide the Fosse ward community and activities about all aspects of local parks and open spaces and it’s management. The applicant would like to promote a better understanding of natural features, ecology, resources, human interaction, culture and history of the area.


2)     Epworth Development – Community Outreach, Epworth Methodist Church, Community Development Steering Group - £4,762


The application is for the improvement of the Community Outreach Programme. The applicant states that the application will benefit groups immediately upon implementation as detailed, all existing and potential groups would also benefit in the medium-term. The applicant also states that the equipment will ensure that the improved and enlarged premises will be better provisioned for existing users and open the use of the premises to other community groups on future occasions.


3)     Community Children’s Christmas Party, Hawthorne Street Residents Committee - £480.


This application has been approved under delegated authority by the Members as the amount requested is £500 or less.


The application is for a party for local children in the Fosse Ward which will be held at the Newfoundpool Working Men’s Club. The applicant is hoping to be able to put on a pantomime and other entertainment as well.




Anita Patel, Members Support Officer, presented the Community Meeting budget.


Anita explained that six bids had been submitted for consideration, and that the Chair had agreed to accept two of these as late applications: 


Anita also explained that Councillor Wann had informed her of his views to each application prior to the meeting, but that this excluded the late applications.


It was made clear that all applications considered were subject to approval by Councillor Wann and the relevant cabinet Lead Member.  


1)     Community Children’s Christmas Party, Hawthorne Street Residents Committee - £480.


Anita explained that this application has already been approved under delegated authority by the Members as the amount requested was less than £500.


Jeff Connolly, Chair of the Hawthorne Street Residents Committee stated that the application was for a party for local children in the Fosse Ward which would be held at the Newfoundpool Working Men’s Club.



That it be noted that £480 had been allocated from the Ward Community Fund, and that approval for this has been received from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


2)     Environmental Activities, Ahmed Faraji, Parks Services, Leicester City Council - £500.


Ahmed Faraji, Parks Services, was present to introduce the application.  He stated that the application was to provide the Fosse Ward community activities and information about all aspects of local parks and open spaces and it’s management. He expressed a desire to promote a better understanding of natural features, ecology, resources, human interaction, culture and history of the area.


Ahmed explained that expenditure would be directed towards particular items that would help to enhance local parks, including spaces, rakes and litter-pickers.



                        That the application be supported and £500 be allocated from the Ward Community Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the leader of the Council.


3)     Epworth Development – Community Outreach, Epworth Methodist Church, Community Development Steering Group - £4,762


John Ogleby introduced the application and stated that it was for the improvement of the Church’s Community Outreach Programme. The applicant stated that the application will benefit groups immediately upon implementation, and that all existing and potential groups would also benefit in the medium-term. The applicant also stated that the equipment would ensure that the improved and enlarged premises would be better provisioned for existing users and open the use of the premises to other community groups on future occasions.



                        That the application be supported and £3,500 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the leader of the Council.


4)     Family Craft Club –Cornerstone Church Council - £828.94


The applicant was present to introduce the proposal.  He stated that the craft club was planned to meet six times a year and would be held at Alderman Richard Hallam School.  It was made clear that no charge would be imposed on those that would attend.  Those present were informed that the requested funding covered set-up costs, the purchase of craft equipment and costs which related to publicity. 



                        That the application be supported and £500 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the leader of the Council.


5)     Maya Group Well-Being Project– Maya Group- £2,500


The applicant was present to introduce the proposal which would cover venue vire, volunteer expenses and the cost of dance and exercise tutors.  The applicant explained that the group had experienced an increase in attendance and was hoping to hold additional sessions in the future. 



                        That the application be supported and £1,000 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan Fund subject to approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the leader of the Council.


A discussion took place around the possibility of creating a community website for Fosse residents, which would allow individual groups to establish their own page for no charge.  It was agreed that further discussion around this would take place at the next meeting.



That a discussion takes place at the next Fosse Community Meeting around the possibility of creating a community website for Fosse residents.