Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Application 1


Applicant:       Essensual Rejuvenation Youth Pod Village


Amount:          £1843


Proposal:       Hosting a Community Pod Village Event


Summary:     The Pod Village is a brand new initiative that has been piloted in The Braunstone Area with huge success and support from local voluntary organisations & the public sector.


The pod villages are a mix of different size portable pop up shelters, each shelter hosting a different activity and includes something for everybody from DJing workshops, Cheerleading, Aerobics’, Street Dance, Boccia (Disability Sport), Arts & Crafts, partnership information and joined up working with the local Police and Fire service.


Monitoring takes place of all the work that is undertaken by photographic and video evidence, the total number of people who attend is recorded along with age, ethnicity, sex and postcode for each participant of an activity. This enables evidence the success of each event to be obtained.


The main target groups for the pod villages are disengaged young people, ethnic minorities and females.


Application 2


Applicant:       Rapport (Hamilton Youth Club)


Amount:          £3580


Proposal:       Setting up a new youth club


Summary:     We are planning to set up a new youth club in the community room of Hope Hamilton School to continue the youth work started at The Unit in October 2008, which was also ran by Hope Hamilton Church.  Since the closure of the Unit in August 2010 we have explored and subsequently identified the continued need for youth work in Hamilton and have started to build relationships with some new young people in addition to working with those who previously accessed the provisions at the unit.


This proposal is to re-launch a youth club in Hamilton based at Hope Hamilton School on Thursday evening from 6-8pm. It will accessible to all young people, regardless of faith or belief, from 11-18 years. The young people will be a mix of students from Gateway College, as well as residents of Netherhall, Humberstone and Hamilton. We intend to begin with some detached youth work sessions around Hamilton as well as producing flyers that can be delivered around the community and local shops and businesses. Finally we have some details of young people that have previously attended session ran at the unit who can be contacted directly.


Once the club is running and established we will be looking to run a tuck shop and have a nominal entrance fee for the young people. In time the young people will be able to take responsibility for the running of the tuck shop including stock to be sold and handling monies. All the money generated from this and the entrance fees will be re-invested back into the youth work.


Each session will be evaluated by the youth worker and helpers, using a review sheet to record both general information and allow reflections on a session. When a history of review sheets has been built up this will give a clear picture of celebrations and follow up / things to do for future sessions which will be regularly discussed at review meetings.


In addition a quick and simple review system will be used to gain an understanding of the young people’s perception of the session, the results of this will also be recorded and discussed at review meetings.


Application 3


Applicant:       Hamilton Residents Association


Amount:          £3771.09


Proposal:       Set up of Hamilton Residents Association and Family Fun Day


Summary:     Hamilton Residents Association is a community group set up by a small number of interested residents which represents residents to the formally recognised groups and bodies such as ward level meetings, City Council, local housing associations and the Police.


                        Six priorities for action have been developed:


Sports and Community Facilities

Anti-social behaviour and crime

Families, community spirit and cohesion

Environmental issues and service charge

Transport and highways

Young People and Education


The funding requested is to cover things like: hiring meeting space; administration costs for letter headed paper, photocopying agendas and minutes etc; promotional costs for leaflets and flyers; and the printing of a newsletter informing residents of the planned actions of the committee.


Family Fun Day

It is also planned to hold a family fun day to develop community spirit and cohesion.


It is provisionally due to be held on 25 June at Hamilton Park Playing fields and it is estimated that 500 – 1000 residents will attend.


The event would include local organisations demonstrating their services representing each of the association’s priorities and there would be entertainment provided. It will also be an opportunity for local small businesses to sell items along with caterers. Funds are being sought to cover the promotion of the event, event structures, insurance, first aid, toilets, entertainment providers and clothing for stewards.


Application 4


Applicant:       Leicester East Dance / Theatre Group


Amount:          £580


Proposal:       Attending workshops in London led by Sadlers Wells


Summary:       The dance group has been approached by Sadlers Wells in London (along with other organisations) to participate in a series of workshops throughout the day on 18th April 2011, led by professional dancers and culminating in a performance on the stage.


                        The group is made up of young people living in the Thurnby Lodge, Netherhall, Humberstone and Hamilton areas and this will be the opportunity of a lifetime to dance on the famous stage.


                        42 young people will be given the opportunity to participate in the event.


                        On a day to day basis, the young people work hard to learn routines which they perform at local shows and across the city, some spending most of their after school hours practising their dancing. They also put on a show in support of breast cancer charities in 2008, raising over £500.


                        The money is required for coaches to get the children there and for costumes to be made as quickly as possible.


 Application 5


Applicant:      Humberstone Infant School – “Groundforce Humberstone Infants”


Amount:          £1500


Proposal:      Setting up an allotment in the school grounds.


Summary:       It is proposed to set up an allotment to grow herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables. It will be an opportunity for parents, members of the school and the local community to use the school grounds to work with children and staff. It is planned to grow produce to use, donate and sell to raise money for local charities. The proposal will run autumn 2010 to autumn 2011.


                        The funding would be used to buy, raised beds, seeds, compost, tools, plants, containers and approved weedkiller.


Peter Cozens, Member Support Officer presented the community meeting budget.  Peter stated that there was currently just under £6,000 remaining in the budget; the bids submitted exceeded that amount and therefore Councillors would be unable to agree then all.   


Peter then introduced the following funding applications:


Essensual Rejuvenation Youth Pod Village


Funding of £1843 had been requested to set up a community pod village event, where a mix of different size portable pop up shelters offering different activities would be available.  The applicant who had submitted the funding application was not present at the meeting.


Peter explained that the bid had been deferred from the last meeting because both he and the Councillors needed more information on the project. The information had not been received and without more details on the application, Peter stated that he was unable to recommend to Councillors that the application be supported.  In addition, the event was due to be held in the summer, if funding was granted, it should come from the new financial year.  For those reasons, the Councillors were recommended to refuse the funding application:



                        that the funding application be refused.


Humberstone Infant School – “Groundforce Humberstone Infants”


A funding application for £1500 had been submitted to set up an allotment in the school grounds. It was planned that produce could be grown which could be used, donated or sold to raise money for local charities.



                        that the funding application be supported.


Rapport (Hamilton Youth Club)


Peter explained that this funding application had been withdrawn.


Hamilton Residents’ Association


A funding application for £3771.09 had been submitted to set up Hamilton Residents’ Association and also for the association to hold a Family Fun Day.


Dr Henwood from the Hamilton Residents’ Association was present at the meeting and explained that the people of Hamilton felt isolated and the association had been set up in response to that concern. Funding was requested to cover room hire, administration costs and the printing of a newsletter. The Joint Action Group (JAG) had originally proposed to provide funding of £1,000 towards the fun day, but because the event would be held in the new financial year, were unable to make that commitment.


Councillors explained that they would support funding for the fun day to the value of £2,274.16 but the community meeting budget protocol did not permit funding for set up costs for the association and the newsletter.


Members of the public queried the decision not to support the funding application for the association and commented that other community meetings had supported similar ventures.


Councillors responded that there was a need to cut costs and economies could be made by holding meetings in people’s houses to avoid hiring rooms and paying rent; however they would check on the budget regulations.


Dr Henwood stated that the approval of £2,274.16 towards the Family Fun Day would be a good start but queried the Councillors decision not to support funding for the association’s set up costs and newsletters.


Peter offered to discuss the funding application further with Dr Henwood after the meeting and also suggested that the funding bid might be re-submitted, or a new funding application be submitted to the Joint Action Group. 



that the funding application in respect of the Family Fun Day be supported to the value of £2,274.16



Leicester East Dance / Theatre Group


A funding application for £580 had been submitted for the dance group to attend a series of workshops in London led by Sadlers Wells. The day would culminate in a performance on stage. A representative from the dance group explained that this was a very special opportunity for the young people and funding was requested to help with costumes and transport.



                        that the funding application for £580 be supported.


Councillors also extended an invitation for the young people to give a dance demonstration at a future Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting.


Peter explained that the following funding application had been received after the agenda was distributed.


Royal British Legion Humberstone Garden of Remembrance


A funding application for £500 had been submitted to restore the Memorial Garden to its proper condition, to include a tidy up of the site and the planting of new shrubs etc.  The Legion hoped to secure the advice of a professional gardener to produce a planting plan. Voluntary assistance would then be obtained to clear the area in order that the professional gardener could then plant the new shrubs.


Councillors suggested that the Community Pay Back scheme might be able to help with the project.



                        that the funding application to the value of £500 be supported.



Peter explained that there was £1061.10 remaining in the community meeting budget.


Councillors stated that it was likely that any unspent money in the community meeting budget would be clawed back and would not be carried forward to the next financial year.  They suggested that the unspent money should be put towards a community clean-up and also used to fund emergency applications submitted before the end of the financial year.



that any unspent money in the Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting budget be put towards a community clean up and also used to fund emergency funding applications submitted before 31 March 2011.  



Officer Identified


To finalise the funding bids that the meeting had supported and submit them to the Cabinet Lead for approval.

Peter Cozens and Anita Patel Member Support Officers.

As soon as possible


Supporting documents: